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How to Audition for a Movie | 6 Tips for Success

Septiembre 14, 2023

How to Audition for a Movie | 6 Tips for Success

Wondering how to audition for a movie and make it to the big screen? Here, we’ll share six important tips for success.

It doesn’t matter whether you are interested in learning how to audition for a movie role as a child, a teen, or as an adult. It also doesn’t matter what kind of movie you’re interested in or what city you plan on auditioning in. Knowing how to prepare for a movie audition will require the same kind of tenacity, skill, and know-how no matter what the specifics of your situation might be.

Many major movies are filmed in big cities such as Los Angeles and New York. Whatever big city you are closest to, you should start by looking up the local film office. For example, if you search online for “Massachusetts State Film Office,” you should see a website like this.

Every state also has its own film office, which will have all the information you need about what is being filmed in that state, local auditions, etc.

How to Ace an Audition for a Movie?

Wondering how to get into acting? Here are six simple steps to follow:

  • Find the role
  • Try smaller productions first 
  • Get some background work 
  • Know how to apply for movie auditions (and where to find information)
  • Prepare for stiff competition
  • Work your way up to better jobs (and union spots!)

Don’t worry – we will go into more detail about how to audition for a movie the right way in our guide below. 

Not sure where to start as you’re trying to figure out how to get an audition for a movie? It may be helpful to sign up for acting lessons! Your coach will not only be able to teach you how to audition for a movie or TV show, but can also provide you with general acting training that will serve you well throughout your entire career and as you learn how to apply for a movie audition. 

Check out the video below to learn more about what acting lessons have to offer, and keep reading for more helpful tips to nail your next audition: 

How Do You Find Out About Auditions for Movies? 

There are a few different ways you can find film auditions notices.

One is to get a talent agent. This can be tricky, but if you happen to have any actor friends with their own agents you can ask them to pass along your information. Make connections wherever you can find them and don’t be afraid to be shameless in your self-promotion! Reach out to agents wherever you can, including on LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

While you want to avoid coming off as overly desperate, it can be helpful to approach potential agents with a quality pitch on what you can offer them – rather than the other way around.

Aside from finding an agent, there are a few other ways you can discover auditions. For example, you can:

  • Go to a talent showcase – agents often hold open auditions to uncover new talent
  • Search for casting calls online 
  • Use social media to find open casting calls and auditions 
  • Create an account on an audition site like Project Casting 
  • Contact a local film office for a list of current productions that are hiring

How to Audition for a Movie: 6 Steps

Know that you know how to find an audition, let’s dive deeper into how to audition for a movie with no experience.

1) Find Your Role

This is a necessary step for those interested in how to audition for movies.

For most films, it may sound superficial but looks really are everything. You will need to try to assess which characters you could play on film. For example, do you look like a high school student? Could you portray a daughter, or a sister? Or could you play the dreamy boyfriend?

Think of all the different character possibilities you could portray, and start looking for the most appropriate auditions.

2) Find Smaller Productions

If you’re diving into film for the first time, you don’t necessarily have to shoot for the major, commercial films.

You might not realize it, but whatever city you are in there are many independent and student films being created and filmed all the time! This is a great way to start out, and see what it’s like being on a film set. It’s also a good way to improve your acting resume

If you’re a college student, you should also get involved in your school’s film department. Many students will need to make films for their majors. These won’t pay well, but it’s a great way to start learning about film and how to act on film.

Also, low-budget independent films and short films are a great way to get a speaking part!

3) Find Background Work

If you’re wondering how to audition for a movie, you’ve probably already done some acting training or taken acting lessons. If so, don’t be be afraid to go for the big budget films! But films are being made every day, and they usually need tons of extras.

Extra or background work – you will learn so much about film, get a decent paycheck, and perhaps even be featured on film. The part may be small, but you never know – depending on your look and how you act on the film set, you could get bumped up into a featured or speaking role.

If you want a speaking role, or a main role in a film, doing extra work is essential before you can hit these goals. Extra work will help you become comfortable on camera, get used to the terminology, and learn how a movie is made.

You may or may not need to audition for extra work. I encourage you to research online for local casting directors – try searching for something like “Background Casting Directors” and a list should come up near your city.

You then can register to have your headshot and resume on file, and if they have a role open for your character type they will get in touch with you.

4) Keep an Eye Out for Audition Notices

Many audition notices are posted online on sites like Playbill, Backstage, Actors Access, and Casting Networks. Some of these trade websites require a monthly fee to subscribe, and some of them even allow you to “audition” by submitting your materials online.

Your materials should include a headshot and acting resume, and perhaps a reel of video footage. With the industry changing so much, it’s easy to get headshots taken and get some film footage with YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, and so on.

5) Expect Competition at Auditions

At a film audition, you should expect a lot of other people auditioning for the same role as you. Sometimes the writer or director may be present in the room. Other times it will be interns from a local film office who will film a quick take and send it to LA for more consideration.

No matter who is in the room, you should always remain professional and courteous at all times. A film role audition will usually consist of you reading lines from the actual movie, say with another actor, who they are also considering for a role.

Sometimes you will have seen the script before, and other times they’ll give it to you on the spot. The casting team has many people to see, and are usually tired from auditions. If you’re wondering how to audition for movies in the best way: be prepared and don’t ask them many questions.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, either. Although you might consider yourself an actor for action movies, playing around with other genres can boost your skills in your preferred area. 

Looking for inspiration? Here’s a video that has some helpful tips on getting started in improv comedy:

6) Work Your Way Up to the Union

Working in film and TV, you will eventually need to be part of the union, which is called SAG/AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild, and American Federation of TV and Recording Arts).

The union will make sure you are paid fairly, have health insurance, and are not working under unethical circumstances. Many of the main roles and speaking parts in major films are cast with actors represented in the union, and usually only actors in the union can audition for that role.

If you are not in that union, you are then considered non-union. Non-union actors are paid less, so you’re probably wondering, how can I get in that union? The answer is: it will take some time, work, and dedication!

You will need to do extra work for a few years before getting into the union. If you audition for a film as a non-union actor, and are offered a union role right away, the production will grant you the opportunity to join the union. No one can just join, you have to earn your way up!

Also by doing extra work, sometimes you can earn “waivers,” which are given when the role is meant for a union person, but they cannot possibly find a union person to fulfill it. Once you earn three waivers (three days on set), you become eligible to join.

However, there is a pricey initiation fee to join, and once you join you can’t do work that is not covered by a SAG/AFTRA contract (meaning you can’t do non-union work).

Can Anyone Just Audition for a Movie?

Are you wondering how to audition for a movie without an agent – or if that’s even possible in the first place?

The answer is yes, but it depends. Major movie studios and production companies have different ways of looking for actors. Some hold open auditions, which means anyone can come and audition, while others prefer to go through talent agencies. It is important to note, though, that open auditions are quite rare, and most companies prefer to work with agents to ensure quality talent.

But what if you’re not represented by an agent? How do you get noticed? There are several ways to do this. One is by networking and attending events such as acting classes, workshops, and industry parties. You never know who you might meet and what doors could open for you. 

Another way is by building a strong online presence through social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. Many casting directors, producers, and industry professionals use social media to discover new talent.

But before you start attending events or posting videos, make sure you have the basic skills of acting down pat. Talent agents and casting directors expect aspiring actors to have training in acting, whether it be through a school program, a private acting coach, or both. Having a well-prepared resume and headshot is also crucial, as this shows that you are serious about pursuing a career in acting.

Does it Cost Money to Audition for a Movie? 

Here’s a question that many new actors find themselves asking. Should you pay money for the privilege of auditioning?

The answer to that question is always a resounding NO. Auditions should never, under any circumstances, cost you any money. 

While there’s a good chance that you’ll likely be investing money in the audition in other ways. For example, you might find yourself paying to have your headshots printed, your actor bio written, or paying for a talent agent. However, you should not pay money for the audition itself.

If you’re asked to pay money to audition, there’s a good chance that it is a scam. Run in the other direction! 

How to Audition for a Movie as a Child

Becoming a child actor involves a lot of hard work, dedication and persistence. It’s not just about talent alone, but also about having the right attitude and skills to make it in the industry. Here are some general tips:

Find a Great Coach

Before auditioning for a movie, it is important to get proper training from a reputable acting coach. A good acting coach will teach you the fundamentals of acting, how to express emotions and body language and how to improvise. They’ll also help you create an impressive acting resume and headshot. 

Join an Acting Group

Joining an acting group is a great way to meet other aspiring actors and learn from industry professionals. Attending local acting workshops, casting calls, and networking events can also help you get noticed by casting directors.

Research the Character and the Movie

It’s important to do your homework on the movie and the character you are auditioning for. Watch movie trailers, read the script and research the director and production company. This will help you understand the tone of the movie and the character you are auditioning for.

Dress the Part

Make sure to dress appropriately for the audition. Wear solid-colored clothing, keep your hair neat and tidy and avoid wearing any accessories that can be distracting. Remember, you want to look presentable, but not overpowering.

Be Confident!

Confidence is key when auditioning for a movie. Walk into the audition room with your head held high, speak clearly and confidently, and give your best performance. Remember, casting directors are looking for someone who can not only act, but also has a strong personality and presence.

How Do You Audition for a Movie With No Experience?

Whether you have zero experience or you’ve auditioned for movie roles several times, the auditioning process is more or less the same. Work hard to find and maintain connections in the industry and you’ll likely find yourself on the path to silver screen success in no time!

Knowing these tips for how to get an acting job is your first step, but keep in mind that working your way through the film industry will take time. With hard work, patience, and persistence it will all pay off, and you will have fun doing so!

LizTLiz T. teaches online singing, acting, and music lessons. She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music with a B.M in Vocal performance and currently performs/teaches all styles of music, including Musical Theater, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, R&B, and Country. Learn more about Liz here!

Photo by Nic’s Events


Suzy S.