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Don't Start the School Year Without Checking Out These Back-to-School-Organization Tips!

Agosto 21, 2023

Don't Start the School Year Without Checking Out These Back-to-School-Organization Tips!

Summer is coming to an end – are you ready for a new academic year? If not, don’t fret. Get organized for back to school with these tips from online tutor Natalie S

Back-to-school prep is upon us! The summer is drawing to a close, and it will soon be time to get ready to begin a new school year. We know it can be overwhelming when you start to think about the long list of things to do in order to prepare for school, so here are some back-to-school organization tips to help you start the year off on a successful note!

How Can I Be Organized for Going Back to School?

Here’s a quick overview of some of the best back-to-school organization tips:

  • Make a schedule: Identify key assignments and tasks and plan accordingly.
  • Set reminders: Establish regular study times, and set reminders for yourself so that nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Implement a filing system: Create an effective way to store all essential documents and notes for easy retrieval.
  • Keep track of due dates: Utilize a calendar or electronic organizer to keep track of important deadlines.
  • Break up workload into manageable tasks: To avoid getting overwhelmed, break up larger assignments into smaller chunks of work (including studying for exams!)

If you’re still struggling with organization, it might be time to enlist the help of a tutor. An academic tutor will not only help you navigate course material (like math and English), they’ll also have access to some of the best back-to-school organization tips for students.

Check out all the benefits of working with a tutor in this video, and get signed up today:

Back-To-School DIY Organization and Study Tips

Want to make this school year the best one yet? Here are some back-to-school organization tips you can easily incorporate.

1) Write down your goals

A new year is beginning and that means opportunities for a whole new set of experiences. Take a few minutes to write down five goals that you hope to accomplish this year, and think about how you can make this year better than the last one. Do you want to improve your knowledge of a specific subject, to prepare yourself for AP classes later on? Or maybe take on a new hobby, like photography or learning how to play an instrument? Get excited about what’s in store!

2) Get one step ahead of everyone else

If you know who your teachers are and you can easily contact them, consider sending an email asking for the class syllabus. Most teachers generally stick to the same schedule each year, so they can give you an idea of what books you might be reading or what concepts you might be working on in the first few weeks of school. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can begin to read ahead or study some of those concepts on your own. This will help lighten your workload later in the semester when you have less time!

3) Review last year’s math concepts

This is especially important if you’re advancing into a higher consecutive math class, like Algebra I to Algebra II, or Pre-Calculus to Calculus. Spend 20 minutes each day reviewing the concepts that you learned last year, and attempt to get ahead by reading over the first chapter or two for the new, more advanced course.

4) Form a study group

Are you and a few of your friends taking the same class? Make a commitment to study together! Even if you all have different teachers, the core material will be the same. Set up a plan before school starts, so everyone builds it into their schedule from the beginning of the year.

5) Write

Most students take an entire summer off from stringing eloquent arguments together, and because of this, their early semester essays suffer. Take 20 minutes each day and practice writing short introductory paragraphs. You may also want to get ahead by working with a writing tutor, or at least lining one up for when you need help with your first writing assignment.

6) Review last year’s foreign language notes

If you’re taking Spanish, French, or any other foreign language, review the vocabulary and grammar rules before school begins. Most foreign language classes hit the ground running with very little review, so make sure you take the time to look through your old notes and books.

7) Identify the course you are least excited to take this year

Maybe you really hate learning new math concepts, or perhaps biology just doesn’t interest you at all. Regardless of the reason, figure out which subject might be the most challenging for you and start preparing for that class now. Do some online research, find a tutor through TakeLessons, and really dedicate some time to learning more about this subject. Even though it may not be fun, this will help a ton!

8) Purchase a daily planner

This is perhaps the most important item to buy before the school year starts. It’s been proven time and time again that people are more effective when they write down their goals, plan out their days, and give themselves deadlines for projects and assignments. This is a great habit to get into at a young age, and it is a huge part of what makes people successful. Be disciplined, make yourself stick to a consistent schedule, and write down the top five things you want to accomplish each day. You will stay motivated and be more productive. Most importantly, you’ll be creating healthy habits that will facilitate success in your future endeavors.

9) Organize your study time before school starts

Create a study chart depicting when you’ll study for each subject, and hold yourself accountable to making the time to study for those classes. Make sure you plan for some flexibility in case one subject needs more attention than another.

10) Seek out a tutor now

It’s important to enter the new school year feeling confident in your abilities, so if you foresee any issues, don’t wait to find a tutor! Your workload is only going to become tougher and more intense as the year goes on. Be proactive and get the help you need, before you’re really struggling.

How Can I Help My Child Be More Organized at School?

If you’re looking for ways to help your child succeed this upcoming school year, good organization is key. Here are some back-to-school organization tips for parents to keep in mind, broken down by age.

Back-to-School Organization Tips for Middle Schoolers

Middle school can be a challenging time for students as they navigate new social dynamics and increased academic demands. Here are a few tips to help your middle schooler stay organized:

  • Use color-coding: Encourage your child to use different colors for different subjects or types of assignments. This can help them quickly identify what needs to be done and when.
  • Make checklists: Breaking down assignments into smaller tasks and creating checklists can help your child feel more in control and less overwhelmed.
  • Create a designated homework area: Have your child designate a specific area for doing homework. This could be a desk in their room or a table in a common area. This will help them avoid distractions and stay focused.

Back-to-High-School Organization Tips

With multiple classes and assignments, it’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. Here are a few tips to help your high schooler stay on top of things:

  • Use a planner: Encourage your child to use a planner to write down all their assignments, due dates, and appointments. This will help them keep track of everything they need to do and when it needs to be done.
  • Keep a tidy workspace: A cluttered workspace can distract your child and make it harder to focus. Encourage them to keep their desk clean and organized so they can stay on task.
  • Set priorities: With so much going on in high school, it’s important to set priorities. Teach your child to identify the most important tasks and focus on those first.

Back-to-School College Organization Tips

College is a whole different ball game when it comes to organization. With even more independence and freedom than high school, it can be easy for your child to become overwhelmed. Here are a few tips to help your college student stay organized:

  • Use digital tools: Instead of a paper planner, your college student may prefer to use digital tools like Google Calendar or Trello. These can be accessed from anywhere and make it easy to stay on top of tasks and deadlines.
  • Break it down: When faced with a big assignment or project, it can be helpful to break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. This can help your child avoid procrastination and stay on track.
  • Stay on top of emails: In college, email is often the primary form of communication between professors and students. Teach your child to check their email regularly and respond promptly to any messages.

Back-to-School Desk Organization Tips and Locker Organization Tips

While the practical back-to-school organization tips we gave you above are certainly enough to get you off on the right foot, sometimes it can be tough to organize our physical spaces like lockers and desks. Here are some back-to-school locker organization tips, along with some tips to keep your desk clean, too!

Use Organizers

The first tip for organizing your school desk and locker is to use organizers. You can find desk organizers at most office supply stores, and they come in all shapes and sizes. Organizers can help you keep your pencils, pens, markers, and other school supplies in one place. Plus, they can give your desk and locker a neat and tidy appearance.

Label Your Supplies

Another great tip is to label your supplies. This can be especially helpful if you have a tendency to lose things. You can label your folders, notebooks, and binders with the subjects they correspond to. You can also label your pens and pencils with your name. This will make it easier for you to find what you need when you need it.

Keep it Simple

When it comes to organizing, sometimes less is more. You don’t need to have a different folder for each assignment. Instead, keep your folders and binders simple and organized by subject. This will make it easier for you to find what you need when you need it.

Regularly Clean Your Desk

It’s important to clean out your desk and locker regularly. This will prevent clutter from building up, which makes it difficult to find what you need. At least once a month, go through your desk and locker and get rid of anything you don’t need. You can donate old supplies to your school or give them to a friend who might need them.

Use a Whiteboard

Finally, consider using a whiteboard to keep track of assignments and important dates. You can write down your assignments and due dates so you don’t forget about them. You can also use your whiteboard to leave yourself reminders or motivational messages.

Follow These Back-to-School Organization Tips This Year!

Follow these steps to get organized for going back to school and you’ll be ready to start off the new school year with confidence and a plan for success. Each year brings more possibilities to learn, grow, and be more inspired than you were the year before.

And when in doubt, consider academic skills tutoring to help you (or your child) get ahead.

Enjoy the ride and embrace all of the newfound opportunities that come your way!

Natalie S.Natalie S. tutors online in English, ESL, History, Phonics, Reading, and Test Prep. She received her BA in English Education at the University of Delaware, and her MA in English Literature at San Diego State University. Learn more about Natalie here!



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Photos by Rick Payette, Mario Mancuso, Francisco Martins, Concordia University, Nathan Congleton, Alexa Clark, Christian Jensen, Sara Grajeda, Jimmie, Utah State Librarycomedy_nose


Suzy S.