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How to Get a Better Singing Voice: 7 Strategies to Use

May 23, 2018

How to Get a Better Singing Voice: 7 Strategies to Use

Ways To Improve Your Singing VoiceWhile not everyone is gifted with a beautiful voice that can hit the high notes and maintain perfect pitch, everyone is capable of refining their singing voice. Here are some suggestions on how to get a better singing voice:

Get a Little Vain

In a way, singers have to be vain – starting with staring at yourself in a mirror! Believe it or not, a mirror can help you improve your tone. Try singing in front of a mirror, and you’ll be able to closely inspect and analyze your movements and technique. Study your posture, facial movements, and chest as you sing, and you’ll begin to notice what you are doing right and wrong. Try to sing with different stances, body positions, and facial contortions to see how it impacts your voice. You might be shocked at the differences in sound by doing something as simple as straightening your back, keeping your feet flat on the ground, and lifting your head a little bit higher.


To really improve, you have to constantly test your vocal limitations – within reason, of course. Make sure you work on this with a professional teacher, so as to not injure yourself, and make sure you’re practicing on a regular basis. Set up a designated practice space, dedicate specific times to singing, and stay focused when you are practicing. With the right singing exercises and enough practice, you’ll find your tone improving and your confidence growing!

Learn Proper Breathing

You can significantly improve your singing voice by properly managing your inhalation and exhalation. To practice proper breathing, try placing one hand on the upper section of your torso and the other hand on the bottom section of your chest, below the ribs. Inhale and make sure that the upper hand stays where it is. It should not move at all. The lower hand should drop and then subsequently rise.

Another breathing exercise to try: begin by breathing inward for a count of four, then exhale for a count of eight. Keep increasing your exhales by counts of four until you reach 24 or 28 (or as far as you can go). This exercise teaches you how to control air. For more elaborate breathing exercises, consult your vocal coach.

Take Private Singing Lessons

If you’re wondering how to get a better singing voice, the easiest strategy is to work with a professional! Singing lessons are the most effective way to improve your singing voice and maximize your potential. But remember, most students are only as good as their teachers. This means that you’ll have to find someone who knows the ins and outs of singing. A qualified teacher can teach you exactly how to practice, how to establish proper breathing techniques, as well as the ideal singing posture and healthy singing habits.  Although singing lessons are a financial investment, think of all the time that the experience will save you in the long run. Instead of seeking knowledge and advice by hunting around the Internet and teaching yourself how to sing, you’ll have an expert guiding you along at the right pace.

Find Your Voice

One critical mistake that many beginning singers make is to copy other artists’ styles, which doesn’t allow you to build your own singing style. If you’ve started out by imitating another singer, you should be aware that the habit will have to be dropped at some point. Your own unique style and mindset go a long way in determining what your “normal singing voice” should sound like. Your singing voice will never completely match another person’s, so it’s smart to spend some time figuring out your own style!

Find the Drama

Good singers convey emotions to their audience. They use their voices to tell dramatic stories and explore feelings. In a way, singing is a form of acting. You have to conjure up feelings and emotions for the performance, even if you aren’t genuinely feeling those emotions during those specific moments. The best advice is to have fun with it, and your audience will see your passion!

Maintain Your Health

As a singer, your body is your instrument – so take special care of it! Alcohol, for example, can dehydrate you and your voice, so many singers avoid it. If you consume milk or other dairy products, wash them down with water, as dairy leaves a coating on your throat. Avoid overusing your voice, belting without proper technique, or yelling, as all of these can hurt your vocal cords.


Above all, you have to work hard and work smart. This means practicing effectively and regularly, and never sacrificing proper technique. Also, sing in front of others and ask them for honest feedback. You’ll never improve if you aren’t open to constructive criticism! Use the above strategies for how to get a better singing voice, and keep on practicing. Good luck!


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 Photo by Incase

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.