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How to Be a Better Singer... With One Overlooked Secret

January 31, 2023

How to Be a Better Singer... With One Overlooked Secret

Wondering how to be a better singer? There’s more to it than knowing how to use your voice. Read on as teacher Tony F. explains…


Have you ever listened to professional singers and wished that you could sing like them? If so, then this blog post is for you. We’ll teach you the secret of how to become a better singer—and it’s probably not the one that you think! 

Are you ready? 

Here goes… how to be a better singer instantly!

How Can I Improve My Singing Voice?

Improving your singing voice is a process that requires dedication and practice. Here are some tips:

  • One of the best ways to develop a better singing voice is to warm up before each practice session. Taking five minutes to stretch and do vocal exercises can make all the difference in quality and control. 
  • During practice, focus on improving your posture, breathing technique, timing and accuracy with both rhythm and pitch. 
  • Enlisting the help of an experienced vocal coach can be invaluable for learning proper technique and building confidence. 
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by adequate sleep, hygiene, hydration, and diet can improve your vocal tone as far as range, resonance capability, articulation, and overall sound quality.

With a little hard work you’ll be singing better than ever! Again, singing lessons can be invaluable tools in your journey. Sign up here and learn more about the benefits of singing lessons by watching the video below: 

How to Be a Better Singer Fast – A Quick Guide

Do you love to sing? Is singing the first thing on your mind in the morning and the last thing at night? If you can answer yes to those questions, you might be what’s known as (cue the Star Wars theme music, maestro)… a singer.

Symptoms may include: rocking your head to a favorite song as you sing along while driving down the road… an unbalanced addiction to karaoke parties… or a tendency to sing along with songs you don’t even know, just because you can.

While there’s a lot to learn about keeping your voice healthy, developing your ear, and improving your pitch, here’s something you might not have thought about: your voice is actually all in your mind.

Here’s what I mean…

1. Your Mind’s Eye

Yep, you’ve got to see yourself singing. Imagine yourself singing five years from now. Can you see it? Good. Now imagine yourself singing 10 years from now. And 20 years. And maybe even 30 or 40 years from now. Can you see yourself with gray hair… singing like you did when you were young?

When you can see yourself, in your mind’s eye, singing confidently in front of a group of listeners, you’re one-third of the way to actually doing it. And don’t just see yourself singing… take it to the next level and see yourself in full control of a powerful and stylish voice. Are you starting to get a clear picture?

OK, now see yourself smiling. There’s sheer joy in singing when you keep yourself in the moment. See the troubles of the world fall at your feet. See your audience swept away in the moment with you. And see yourself floating weightless through every note, phrase, and inflection.

Practice this kind of visualization in your spare time and before every rehearsal or performance. Your voice will thank you.

2. Your Mind’s Ear

Can you hear music when no music is playing? I’m not asking if you can recall your favorite song and the way it sounds. I mean actual notes and scales. Can you hear those? You should be able to, if you quiet your mind and listen.

Set aside any distractions like your mobile device or your social accounts, and listen. Start by thinking of the first note in a scale. DO. Got it? Doesn’t matter if it’s a C or G or E. Just start with DO.

Now move up the scale past RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI, and all the way to DO. Listen closely. Do you hear the sound of each note in your own voice? If you can’t, you might need to find somewhere even more quiet and secluded. And you might need to practice focused listening.

Focused listening starts in your mind’s ear. When you can clearly hear notes in your head and in your voice, and when you combine hearing yourself sing with seeing yourself sing, you’re two-thirds of the way to actually doing it. But you’ve got one more area to deal with as you learn how to be a better singer.

3. Your Mind’s Voice

Most successful singers (or successful people in anything, really) will tell you they’ve had to battle a nagging, negative voice inside their head. Have you ever heard that little voice in your mind, the one that says “you can’t do it”?

Have you ever started to sing and thought, “What am I doing?” or “Who do I think I am?” If so, you’re not alone. But here’s what will set you apart and what will get you over that hurdle…

don’t be afraid to mess up. Tell that nagging voice in your mind who’s boss.

Remember, you’re in control of your thoughts. And if you’ve been practicing your visualization and listening techniques, you should be able to think thoughts like…

  • “I’m gonna sing the notes off this scale!”
  • “I can sing circles around this song!”
  • “I love singing so much, no one and nothing is gonna stop me!”

You can do it. Start right now. When you change the thoughts in your head, you’ll be well on your way to being a better singer!

How To Sing Beautifully – Even More Tips

Whether you’re a soloist, an a cappella singer, or part of a choir, singing is one of the most rewarding forms of artistic expression. But it can be difficult to know where to start if you’re brand new to singing. Here are some tips and tricks on how to sing beautifully no matter what type of voice you have. 

How to Be a Better Singer – Female Tips

If you’re looking for tips on how to be a better female singer, focus on your breath support. Breath support is the foundation of all good singing and will take your performance to the next level. 

Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your arms relaxed at your sides. Take a deep breath in through your nose and let it out slowly through your mouth, focusing on pushing the air from deep in your diaphragm up and into your throat. As you become more comfortable with breathing exercises, begin incorporating them into song practice as well! 

How to Be a Better Singer –  Male Tips

If you’re a male singer looking for advice on how to improve, start by paying attention to vowel pronunciation. 

Try exaggerating each syllable in words while practicing vocal exercises; this will help make sure that each word comes across clearly when you’re singing live or recording music. It is also important for male singers to keep their larynx low when they are singing high notes – this will ensure that their voices remain strong and clear instead of becoming strained or breaking off mid-note. 

Finally, make sure that you warm up before any performance or recording session so that your voice is ready for higher notes and maximum power! 

How to Be a Better Backup Singer

Pay attention to blend when singing as part of a group or as backup vocals in a song. Blend refers to the way voices come together when harmonizing – think about how different instruments in an orchestra sound together as opposed to each instrument playing alone! 

To work towards achieving perfect blend while backing up other singers, try humming along with rehearsed parts before adding full words or lyrics into the mix. This will help establish what “blend” should sound like without getting too far ahead of yourself!  

How to Be a Better A Cappella Singer

A cappella singers need to pay close attention to their tuning while practicing and performing – this means making sure that all notes are precisely tuned with one another, especially when multiple voices are harmonizing together! Practicing scales in unison can help build intonation skills (being able to stay perfectly in tune), which is essential for successful group singing. 

Additionally, use recordings of professional vocalists as reference points during practice sessions – listening closely can help hone ear training skills so that even small discrepancies between pitches can be detected quickly and easily! 

How to Be a Better Choir Singer

Choir singers need strong sight-reading skills if they want their performances to be successful – after all, there isn’t time for rehearsing every note before taking the stage! To improve sight-reading skills quickly and easily try following along with recordings of popular choral pieces while reading sheet music at the same time (or vice versa). This will help strengthen muscles needed for quick note identification and give choir singers confidence when facing unfamiliar songs come concert time!

How Long Does it Take to Be a Better Singer?

Being a better singer requires time, dedication, and practice. But how long does it take to become a better singer? The answer depends on your level of commitment and the amount of time you devote to practice.

When learning how to sing, there is no definitive timeline for when you can expect results. Some people may see improvement in their skills within weeks of starting lessons while others will take months or even years before they start to feel more confident with their singing voice. It is important to remember that everyone learns at different rates and has different goals when it comes to singing. 

If you are looking to become a better singer, then you will need to put in the work. The most important thing is consistency—you must commit yourself to practice regularly if you want to see any real progress in your singing abilities. 

You should also strive for good technique and proper vocal warm-ups so that your body is ready for singing each time you train or perform. Finally, don’t forget about the mental aspect; confidence plays an important role in becoming a better singer and believing in yourself can go a long way towards achieving success! 

Can Anyone Become a Good Singer?

Singing is a talent that some people are born with, but anyone can become a good singer if they put in the hard work and effort to learn proper vocal techniques. Regular practice and instruction, such as taking singing lessons with an experienced vocal teacher, can help develop the skills necessary to reach a high level of proficiency with one’s voice. 

And even those without natural musical ability can still improve and experience success in singing if they persist long enough. Through diligent work anyone can become a good singer if they are willing to do what is required.

There’s no denying that becoming an amazing singer takes dedication and hard work—but luckily that doesn’t mean spending hours taking vocal lessons or listening exclusively to classical music! 

With regular practice at home (perhaps with the help of a karaoke machine or even better, a qualified vocal coach) and determination, anyone can become an incredible singer. So go ahead—start practicing now and show us what you’ve got! 

Good luck on your singing journey!

TonyFPost Author: Tony F.
Tony F. teaches vocal training in Colorado Springs, CO, as well as through online lessons. With over 25 years of live performance experience, and has also written jingles for radio and websites. Learn more about Tony here!

Photo by WFIU Public Radio

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