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Top 11 Apps for Violinists

February 19, 2021

Top 11 Apps for Violinists

Fauré Requiem score on the iPad

Everything is getting more high tech these days, even the centuries-old violin! This stringed instrument may have roots in the past, but that doesn’t mean you have to learn the same way violinists did way back when. You’re already used to turning to technology to communicate with your friends and family, engage with the world, and do research, so why wouldn’t you use it to further your violin practice? 

Gone are the days when it was just you, your violin, and a book of sheet music. Now there are so many violin learning apps available that let you practice and challenge yourself in ways you didn’t even think were possible. You can learn to play violin with these apps as you work on exercises, develop your ear, experiment with different tunings, and access endless pieces of violin music. Whether you’re just starting out with the basics or looking for more advanced content, there are countless apps for the violin right at your fingertips. 

If you haven’t yet started to incorporate iPhone or iPad apps into your violin practice, this list is the best place to get started.

From basic tools every musician needs, including learning aids and sheet music, to apps that are just plain fun, these apps for violin are essentials for the 21st-century string player. Check out our list of the best apps to learn violin below to take your music skills to the next level.

Excellent Apps for Violin Players

    1. Let’s Play Concertos When it comes to the best violin apps, this one tops our list. This fun app lets you practice and play your favorite violin concertos with a virtual orchestra! You can also play with a metronome track, tune your violin and even share your song with friends. Have some fun with this app for the violin, and you’ll feel like the star of the show!
    2. Learn Violin As much as you may rely on your violin teacher for guidance, he or she can’t always be by your side. This educational app includes instructional videos as well as text, making it a great supplement for those times in-between lessons when you need a little extra guidance. Practice with this app, and you’ll be ready to impress during your next violin lesson.
    3. Violin Multi-Tuner If you haven’t developed your ear yet, there’s a good chance your tuner is a coveted tool. You might not always have your tuner on hand, but you probably always know where your phone is! Download this or other helpful tuning apps and never be without a tuner again.
    4. forScore Are you tired of lugging your music book around with you everywhere or getting your sheet music all out of order? Many musicians love forScore for the way it helps to organize and consolidate sheet music on the iPad, eliminating the need to carry large binders or dig around piles of papers for the right song. There are also foot pedals available for purchase, which can be attached to your iPad, allowing you to easily “turn the page” while you are playing. When it comes to the best violin learning apps, you can’t get much more convenient than this one!
    5. Tunepal This great app for fiddlers helps you to identify and play traditional songs. Just record a sample of the song you’re hearing, and Tunepal will search their archive and provide you with the sheet music. This amazing violin music archive not only helps you expand your playing skills, but it also encourages you to play the kind of music you actually want to play. 
    6. Tenuto Learning to play the violin isn’t just about mastering sheet music. If you’re on the lookout for customizable exercises that improve your ear for intervals and more, then Tenuto is just the app for you! There are 15 different exercises that challenge and test your musical ability, allowing you to sharpen your skills away from your instrument. 
    7. String Trio Just for fun, String Trio is an iPad app that simulates the actual experience of playing violin. You can also adjust the settings to play viola or cello.
    8. Metronome No matter how perfect you can play a piece of music, it means nothing if you can’t keep the rhythm. Use this mobile app to keep time wherever you practice. Practicing with a steady beat makes a big difference in your success! Whether you are a beginner or a pro violinist, this app for the violin is a must-have for every level musician. 
    9. Cleartune – Chromatic Tuner Not every piece of music requires the same kind of tuning. And other times, you may just want to spice things up or experiment with different sounds. This chromatic tuner is a great app for multi-instrumentalists or players interested in alternate tunings. 
    10. Classical Music I: Master’s Collection This is easily one of the best violin apps out there. Access hundreds of pieces of beautiful classical music with this app! This is a great reference for students and teachers, as it puts many of the worlds’ most loved pieces of music at your fingertips. Whether you want a classical song or a contemporary fiddle piece, there’s a good chance you’ll find it with this convenient app. 

Each one of these apps offers something a little different. And the best part is that you can download them all and access them whenever you need a little guidance or want to have some fun. 

If you’re still not quite sure which violin tuner app to choose, consult a violin teacher. He or she will be able to point you in the right direction! You can even sign up for online violin lessons and receive instruction entirely over the internet. If you’re already using online apps, why not take your instruction online, too?

What’s your favorite violin tuner app? Let us know in the comments below.


Suzy S.