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Private lessons with top Percussion instructors near Oklahoma City, OK

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Thomas H.

Hello Students/Parents I am an energetic, enthusiastic teacher who cares deeply about the student's musical learning experience. My music studies began in Louisville with well-regarded teachers John Roy (drumset) and Rick Mattingly (percussion). I later studied music at Bellarmine College and the University of Louisville School of Music. As a professional musician I have shared the bandstand with countless masters of jazz, rock and blues. A partial list includes legend jazz guitarist Jimmy Raney, vocalist Helen Hume (sang with Count Basie), local guitar legend Jeff Sherman, rhythm and blues group Backstreets, and many more. My hope is that my passion for music, experience, enthusiasm, and caring attitude will be a winning combination for my students. *** Lesson Details *** You can expect a teacher who is dedicated to helping the student realize his or her potential. My preference is to combine music reading, technique, and real-world playing experience; encouraging progress, but working at the student's pace. Reading music is important to the music student--since it is the language all of us musicians use. Some students may not care to read, and that is okay. We can work on technique and specific drum styles and patterns. All students are welcome to bring their music preferences to our lessons but I will usually attempt to expand the student's repertoire. Lesson materials include: method books covering reading, styles, technique; specific songs suggested by either student or teacher; and materials written by the teacher. *** Studio Equipment *** Lessons in nice office studio which is located on the first floor of our Highlands home. Full keyboard available for the piano lessons. *** Travel Equipment *** The student will need to have his/her instrument. I will provide music samples and method books or list of books the student should buy. Drum set, drums pads, and/or electronic drum set, xylophone, and percussion instruments supplied in teacher's studio. *** Specialties *** My strongest genres include jazz, jazz rock, latin jazz, rock, blues, and country but I teach others as well. I help the student build on the basics, creating a strong foundation, and then we branch out... .

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Nicole is great! She's very patient

Raz (Percussion lessons with Nicole C.)

Puts lesson in easy to understand terms, concepts and exercises.

Gordon White (Percussion lessons with Rachel H.)

I am a high school band director and Cameron was our percussion instructor last school year. He did a wonderful job with the students! He covered all areas of percussion from marching band, to concert

Hannah (Percussion lessons with Cameron D.)

I have been taking music lessons of various types in and outside of school since elementary school and have never had a teacher who introduces concepts quite like Mr.Fuhrman. Things that I have strugg

Lindsey (Percussion lessons with Kevin F.)

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