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Joel B.
4 (4)

The Fundamentals of the VOX Acting Approach - Class 5

In today’s class, we are going to cover 5 things about the VOX Acting Approach. First, practice critical listening with conscious awareness to gain intel. Second, we will also reflect on what we have ... Show More

Teacher Reviews (4)

4 Reviews
Teacher's studio
You are the redefinition as you show you can run a business with the challenges of Schizophrenia. Even though you have schizoaffective disorder and, you work. Your main schizoaffective symptom, besides mood swings, is that you hear voices from time to time. When you hear them, you may feel like you're in a trance but you take steps to quiet them and go on with your day by making them apart of your acting practice. You may talk to yourself but you counteract the voices with positive affirmations, and you are not afraid to get vulnerable and describe the same feeling you have of being in “a different zone”as they become apart of your work. When you're talking to yourself, you're having a conversation with someone who isn’t really there, but I am impressed with how you have took what disturbs you and made it work for you. You turn situations into stories that didn’t really happen. Even though you have to think about a situation, ask if it definitely happened, call friends,” you say. Everyone might know you have schizophrenia and are supportive, but it’s key to “be around good friends, and if anyone is bothered [by schizophrenia], you simply ignore them. I especially like the fact that your company has forced you to be more open about you schizophrenia with your acting Approach that allows you to take what was meant to harm you to turn it to good. You don't like having a secret, you like being open. As someone with schizoaffective disorder, you marvel at your tenacity of living with an illness like this and starting and running your own company. Sometimes you tend to get bogged down by things—it comes from the depression of the bipolar element of your illness, you suppose. Overall, you just try not to think about that very much and hopes things will work out for the best. At the same time, you are making a huge difference with your company. Maybe I should take a page from your book, with another class.
Posted Aug 17, 2022
Joel B.
Teacher's studio
In class I experienced you as a person who is shy but very you were very quiet during the first few weeks but once they you felt comfortable in the class I saw you open up. To have helped our class I would have liked you to open up. You helped the class with your very positive attitude towards our activities. You rarely said anything negative about the class or the activities which helped us to participate better. I felt that you conformed very easily to most everyone's opinions without forming your own stance. During many activities where we had to express our opinions I saw you conform to majority a lot. I feel you did this to avoid conflict because you are such a mellow natured individual. I hope you can learn to voice your true opinion in situations. I also experienced you as a very thoughtful and trustworthy person. I liked these qualities about you the most. I felt I could open up to you without being judged. Overall I was very comfortable with you throughout our semester.
Posted Aug 17, 2022
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