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Music Lessons near Oakland Gardens, NY

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Music Lessons near Oakland Gardens

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

My first lesson was great, she made great changes. Jillian is a true professional knows exactly what's needed in order for you to excel.

Sandra Spano (Singing lessons with Jillian V.)

Jillian is an incredible piano teacher. She is patient and makes learning the piano fun for our five year old!

Elizabeth Galgano (Piano lessons with Jillian V.)

Jillian is a very patient and knowledgeable singing instructor. She really helps you find ways to improve your musicianship. I totally recommend her services 👍👍👍...

Ewillie Ewillie (Singing lessons with Jillian V.)

Jillian is a phenomenal music instructor and therapist. My kids love sessions with her. We've been going for almost a year now and it has made a huge difference in their behavior most noticeabley thei

Kathy T. (Music Therapy lessons with Jillian V.)

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