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Music Lessons near Long Island City, NY

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Music Lessons near Long Island City

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Akos is an incredible instructor. He is flexible to your goals and style of music you want to play. He is incredibly knowledgable, patient (and good at bass, himself!). I noticed a huge improvement in

Coleman (Bass Guitar lessons with Akos F.)

I have thoroughly enjoyed taking bass guitar lessons from Akos. He not only teaches basics, but he also keeps me challenged with chords and new songs to learn. And importantly, he teaches at my speed

Brad Lipman (Piano lessons with Akos F.)

Akos is great! He was understanding, and working with me to achieve my goals, which was to play a small concert with my band. He helped me work on the songs we play! Thanks a lot!

Greg (Bass Guitar lessons with Akos F.)

started two weeks ago with Akos great teacher a little older in age so he shows patience helps me to understand and the most important part for me is repetition I look forward to our classes

Kendall (Bass Guitar lessons with Akos F.)

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