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Music Lessons near Trenton, NJ

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Music Lessons near Trenton

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Steven sir is very polite and helpful I am a beginner at guitar so I made mistake but he didn't get angry thanks for that

Atik (Guitar lessons with Steven C.)

Steven sir is very polite and helpful I am a beginner at guitar so I made mistake but he didn't get angry thanks for that

Atik (Guitar lessons with Steven C.)

Would have been much better if I didn't skip half of it. On my dashboard it said it would start at 4 pm but it started at 3 because we were in different time zones. Take Lessons were supposed to fix t

Noah (Guitar lessons with Steven C.)

Steven is a great teacher who is very knowledgeable. I am a beginner and he taught me several scales and chords quickly and made sure that my technique was correct.

Vicky (Guitar lessons with Steven C.)

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