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Music Lessons near Wayne, NJ

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Music Lessons near Wayne

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I've been Learning to sing under Brenda for about 3/4's of a year now and it has been a sensational experience. Brenda is an extremely professional and flexible instructor who tailors to each individu

Andrew (Singing lessons with Brenda B.)

Very helpful for me as a novice!

Jim (Piano lessons with Brenda B.)

Brenda is fabulous, she is skilled and a great teacher!!

Camilla (Singing lessons with Brenda B.)

Brenda is extremely talented, knowledgeable, professional, courteous, and supportive. As an adult learner, she makes me feel very comfortable learning a new skill. I highly recommend her!

Patrick Mottola (Flute lessons with Brenda B.)

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