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Music Lessons near Jamaica Plain, MA

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Music Lessons near Jamaica Plain

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Terrific first lesson. Almost immediate improvement in tone thanks to a few simple, easy to remember cues. Stretching exercises and body stance were emphasized as a foundation to build for quality so

Warren (Flute lessons with Mona S.)

Mona is a fantastic teacher! She has been tutoring my son for almost 3 years now and we will be reaching for 3 more!

Rebekah (Flute lessons with Mona S.)

Mona has been teaching my daughter Japanese for approximately 5 years. She is amazing! She is able to connect with pre-teens and teens and effectively guide and teach them. Definitely a great teach

Leyla (Flute lessons with Mona S.)

Nils is a great teacher with a lot of experience. I highly recommend employing his help to improve your guitar skills!

Daniel T. (Blues Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

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