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Music Lessons near Boston, MA

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Music Lessons near Boston

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Vasiliy is an excellent teacher and a very pleasant and knowledgeable person . I had a fine session..

Peter (Piano lessons with Vasiliy M.)

Vasiliy is great! He's an amazing teacher, I know this because teachers usually get frustrated with me very quickly(I'm a slow processor and have some learning difficulties), but Vasiliy explained thi

Murphy (Singing lessons with Vasiliy M.)

Great V is the man helps me with my breathing & bringing out the richness in my voice. Also he gave me more confidence in myself as a artist.

Don (Singing lessons with Vasiliy M.)

Mr.Vasiliy is very patient, enthusiastic and very detailed. My daughter was able to learn so fast and efficient from him. I really thank him for being kind and motivating her!

Adhiti (Piano lessons with Vasiliy M.)

Private lessons

1:1 lessons with a trusted instructor
Meet online or in person
Package options of 1, 5, 10 or 15 lessons
Free on-demand videos and articles

Group classes

Grupo reducido de alumnos, guiados por un profesor experto
Emocionantes clases interactivas en línea
Instrucción y retroalimentación en tiempo real
Videos y artículos gratuitos a pedido

Garantía de Satisfacción 100%

Pruebe las primeras lecciones (privadas o grupales) y, si no está satisfecho, le encontraremos una mejor combinación o le reembolsaremos las lecciones no utilizadas. Se aplican excepciones Aprende más
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