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Useful Italian Shopping Phrases and Tips for Shopping in Italy

Febrero 22, 2023


If you’re taking a trip to Italy, chances are you’re planning on doing some serious shopping. Below, Italian teacher Nadia B. shares some useful Italian phrases and tips for shopping in Italy…

Do you have a trip to Italy planned? Besides the delicious food, Italy has some of the best shopping in the world. Whether you’re looking for a souvenir for your loved one or some high-fashion duds for yourself, Italy has it all.

In this article, we’ll explore some useful Italian phrases for shopping as well as some general tips. Learning how to speak Italian will ensure that you’re getting what you want at the appropriate price.

But before we dive into these useful Italian phrases, below are some shopping tips to help make sure that your first shopping trip in Italy goes off without a hitch.

How Do You Go Shopping in Italian?

Shopping in Italy can be a great experience, but there are a few things to keep in mind. 

  • First, it’s important to know some basic phrases in Italian. “Quanto costa questo?” (“How much does this cost?”) and “Dove si trova il reparto per…” (“Where is the department for…”) will come in handy. 
  • It’s also a good idea to have an understanding of the different types of stores. In general, supermarkets are called ipermercati, while smaller convenience stores are called alimentari. Department stores are grandi magazzini, and luxury goods are best purchased at high-end boutiques. 
  • Prices can vary widely depending on the type of store, so it’s important to do some research before making any big purchases. 

With a little preparation, shopping in Italy can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Before you hit the stores, make sure you have a good grasp on the Italian language. Taking Italian lessons is one of the smartest things you can do. You’ll learn all the shopping lingo you need, plus everything you see in the video below (and more!): 

Does Italy Have Good Shopping?

Italy is world-renowned for its fashion, and it is no surprise that the country has some of the best shopping in Europe. 

Whether you are looking for designer labels or high-street brands, you will be spoiled for choice in Italy. 

Milan is home to many of the world’s top fashion houses, and it is the perfect place to pick up a designer outfit. Rome, on the other hand, is famous for its vibrant markets, where you can bargain for handmade goods and unique souvenirs. 

And if you are looking for a bargain, Florence is the perfect place to go – the city is filled with outlet stores selling last season’s fashion at steep discounts. So whether you are a shopaholic or simply want to pick up a few souvenirs, Italy has something for everyone.

What is the Most Popular Shop in Italy?

There are many popular shops in Italy, from high-end designer boutiques to small, family-run businesses.

However, if you had to choose just one, the most popular shop in Italy would likely be the food market. Italians love their food, and the market is a veritable paradise for culinary aficionados. 

You’ll find everything from fresh produce and meats to cheeses and breads, all of which are of the highest quality. 

Even if you’re not a foodie, the market is worth a visit for the sheer experience of it all. The sights, smells, and sounds are unlike anything else, and you’ll get a true taste of what makes Italy such a special place.

Italian Shopping Tips

From big-name fashion brands to antique mom and pop shops, Italy boasts some of the world’s best fashion and art. Use the tips below to ensure that you have a positive shopping experience.

  • Watch out for imitations: When you’re visiting cities with lots of tourists, for example Florence, you might be tempted by the designer look-a-likes being sold on the street at bargain prices. Attento! (Watch out!) The police have been known to fine tourists and sellers alike for buying and selling these items. If it’s too good to be true, it’s probably fake.
  • Look for the “Made in Italy” tag: The “Made in Italy” tag has been created to guarantee buyers that an item is authentically conceived, manufactured, and packaged in Italy. Look for items that have this tag so you can ensure that’s it authentic. What’s more, you’ll be supporting classic Italian workmanship.
  • Ask for a tax refund: If you’re making purchases that are taxed with the VAT (value-added tax), ask the shop owner for a tax refund form. This form enables you to receive a refund at the airport. The standard rate of this tax is 22%, so you stand to save quite a bit!
  • Remember to pack light: Resist the temptation to pack five pairs of shoes or three pairs of jeans. You’ll want to leave enough room in your suitcase to bring back the souvenirs and clothing you purchased. However much you think you need to pack, cut it in half.
  • Brush up on your bargaining skills: Brush up on your bargaining skills to get fantastic deals. Chances are you’ll have better luck in a smaller Italian shop or if you’re buying more than one item. Don’t get too greedy; start with a small discount and go from there.

Useful Italian Phrases for Shopping

When you first enter a shop, the salesperson might greet you and ask how they can help. You can respond by telling them one of the following phrases:

  • Cerco… (I’m looking for…)
  • Vorrei… (I would like…)
  • Ho bisogno di… (I need…)
  • Avete…? (Do you have…?)

If you’re looking for a specific clothing item, one of these words may be just what you’re looking for:

  • L’ abbigliamento (clothing)
  • La camicia (shirt)
  • La gonna (skirt)
  • Il vestito (dress)
  • I pantaloni (pants)
  • Le scarpe (shoes)

If you’re looking for accessories, try one of these Italian words:

  • La collana (necklace)
  • Il braccialetto (bracelet)
  • L’ anello (ring)
  • La cintura (belt)
  • La sciarpa (scarf)
  • I guanti (gloves)
  • Il portafoglio (wallet)
  • Gli occhiali da sole (sunglasses)

Once you’ve spotted something you like, here’s a phrase you can direct toward a shopkeeper

  •  Posso provare questi articoli, per favore? (Can I please try these items?)

Once you’ve tried them on, you might want to discuss the fit with a salesperson. Here are some useful Italian phrases to use:

  • Mi sembra troppo… (It seems too…)
  • stretto/a (tight)
  • allentato/a (loose)
  • grande (big)
  • piccolo/a (small)
  • Come mi sta? (How does it look on me?)
  • Mi piace… (I like… [for a singular object])
  • Mi piacciono… (I like…[for a plural object])
  • Non mi piace… (I don’t like [for a singular object])
  • Non mi piacciono… (I don’t like…[for a plural object])
  • Mi può portare una taglia più grande/piccolo, per favore? (Can you please bring me a bigger/smaller size?)

If you’re thinking of buying a particular item and want to discuss price, use the following Italian phrases;

  • Quanto costa? (How much does it cost?).
  • E’ caro. (It’s expensive.)
  • E’ economico. (It’s inexpensive.)
  • I contanti ( money)
  • la carta di credito (credit card)
  • lo scontrino/la ricevuta (receipt [informal/formal])
  • la borsa (bag)

Is it Expensive to Shop in Italy?

Italy is known for being a expensive country to visit. You may be wondering if it is expensive to shop in Italy. The answer to this question is that it all depends on what you are shopping for.

 If you are looking for high-end clothing brands, then yes, shopping in Italy can be expensive. 

However, if you are willing to shop at stores that sell more affordable brands, then you can find some great deals. It is also worth noting that many stores offer sales throughout the year, so it is possible to score some great bargains if you time your shopping trip right. In general, though, shopping in Italy is not as expensive as you might think. 

With a little planning and some patience, you can find some amazing deals on clothing, footwear, and other items. 

What City in Italy Has the Best Shopping?

Rome, Florence, and Milan are all well-known as fashion capitals of the world, but which city has the best shopping? 

It really depends on what you’re looking for. Rome is great for unique boutiques and vintage finds, while Florence has an endless supply of exquisite leather goods. Shopping in Florence Italy is a must for any tourist. Milan is the place to go for high-end designer labels. 

However, if you’re simply looking for a great selection of stores and a lively atmosphere, then Venice is the perfect city for a shopping spree. With its countless markets and hidden alleyways full of charming shops, Venice is a shopper’s paradise. Shopping in Venice, Italy will never disappoint!

So whether you’re searching for a one-of-a-kind souvenir or the latest must-have fashion item, be sure to add Venice to your list of Italian cities to explore.

Learning Italian before your trip will definitely come in handy–especially when you’re shopping. Use the useful Italian phrases above to ensure that you have an enjoyable shopping experience.

All in all, these phrases and tips should help you navigate your shopping experience in Italy with relative ease. Just be sure to always carry around some cash, haggle when necessary, and enjoy the delicious food! Have you had a chance to try out any of these phrases or tips on your next trip to Italy? Let us know how it goes in the comments below.

Useful Italian Phrases and Tips for Shopping in Italy

Post Author:
 Nadia B.
Nadia B. teaches Italian in New York, NY. She graduated summa cum laude from New York University, with a double degree in Italian Language and Literature and Classical Music Performance. Learn more about Nadia here!


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