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Lessons With Jimi: Tips for Teaching a Piano Student with Alzheimer’s

Abril 5, 2023

Lessons With Jimi: Tips for Teaching a Piano Student with Alzheimer’s

The following story comes from piano teacher Windy C. in St. Petersburg, Florida. Last fall, Windy began the challenging journey of teaching piano lessons to a student with Alzheimer’s.  Below she shares some helpful tips she’s learned as a result of working with her student, Jimi. Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story, Windy!


When I was first approached about giving piano lessons to a student with Alzheimer’s disease, I was hesitant. I wasn’t sure how successful it would be or how much instruction the student would really be able to retain. 

However, after my first lesson with Jimi, I quickly realized that this assignment was going to be a unique and rewarding experience. In this blog post, I want to share some of the things that I’ve learned during my time teaching Jimi and offer advice for other teachers who might have students with Alzheimer’s. 

It is my hope that through this post, we can all learn more about how best to teach those living with Alzheimer’s and help make their lives a little bit easier. Thanks for reading!

Can People With Alzheimer’s Play Piano? 

The answer is not definitive, but there are some anecdotal reports of people with Alzheimer’s who have been able to play the piano. Here’s what you should know:

  • One study found that music therapy may be helpful for people with Alzheimer’s, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.
  • There are a number of factors that could influence whether or not someone with Alzheimer’s disease can play the piano. The disease can cause changes in cognitive abilities, motor skills, and sensory processing. 
  • However, some people with Alzheimer’s disease retain much of their musical ability even as their other cognitive abilities decline.
  • Playing the piano requires a fair amount of fine motor control and precise timing. This can be challenging for people with Alzheimer’s disease, who may have difficulty with coordination and motor skills. 
  • However, some people with Alzheimer’s are able to compensate for these difficulties by using alternative fingering or playing at a slower tempo.

It is also worth noting that the ability to play the piano can vary from day to day for people with Alzheimer’s disease. There may be good days and bad days, or even periods of months or years when the ability to play deteriorates. However, some people with Alzheimer’s report being able to play the piano even after many years of decline.

If you are interested in exploring music therapy for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, it is important to consult with a qualified music therapist. Music therapy can be beneficial for many different cognitive and physical conditions, but it is important to make sure that the therapist is experienced in working with people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Check out more of the benefits of music lessons by watching the video below: 

How Can Music Be Used With a Person with Alzheimer’s?

There are many ways music can be used with a person with Alzheimer’s. One way is to use music to help with memory recall. 

For example, if a person with Alzheimer’s is having trouble remembering a loved one’s name, playing a song that was popular when that person was young may help trigger the memory. Music can also be used to help calm a person with Alzheimer’s who is feeling agitated or anxious. 

Soft, relaxing music can help reduce stress and promote feelings of peace and well-being. In addition, music can be used to help create positive associations and memories for a person with Alzheimer’s.

For example, if a person loves singing along to upbeat songs from their youth, playing those songs on a regular basis can help bring happiness and joy into their life. 

Ultimately, music can be a powerful tool for helping a person with Alzheimer’s maintain their quality of life.

What is the Potential Impact of Musical Training for Alzheimer’s Patients?

One promising area of research relates to the potential impact of musical training on Alzheimer’s patients. A number of studies have shown that music can provide significant cognitive benefits for healthy elderly adults. 

For instance, one study found that musical training can help to improve memory and executive function. Given these findings, it is possible that musical training could also offer benefits for Alzheimer’s patients. 

One small study found that group singing sessions helped to improve mood and social interaction in Alzheimer’s patients. 

While more research is needed in this area, the potential impact of musical training on Alzheimer’s patients is significant and warrants further investigation.

Teaching Beginner Piano Lessons to a Student With Alzheimer’s

Last fall I began teaching a 90-year-old woman who has moderate stage Alzheimerʼs. Knowing this in advance, I thought I was up for the challenge; however, things changed when we sat down at the piano for our first lesson and she looked around the room with a confused look on her face and said, “Iʼm sorry, I have no idea what Iʼm doing here.”

I can honestly say I might have had some second thoughts at that point. I looked at her and calmly replied, “Well, Iʼm Windy and youʼre here to play the piano with me. So letʼs have some fun!” But in my head I was mildly freaking out and thinking “Oh my goodness, what the heck have I gotten myself into? How am I going to do this? I never learned how to teach someone with no short-term memory in college!”

I came home after that lesson and scoured the internet and college text books for tips on teaching music to people with dementia, but I came up with nothing. What I am about to share is what I have learned through my experience with Ms. Jimi. I am not a doctor, nor am I an expert on how the brain functions, but I strongly feel that what I am about to share can help anyone working with people who struggle with early to moderate stage dementia or Alzheimerʼs.

Over the past year, Ms. Jimi and I have built a wonderful relationship and I look forward to her lessons more than all my others because I never know what to expect.  All the orthodox ways of lesson planning, goal setting, and progressing go out the window and our 30 minutes together are more like a session of music therapy. Here are five practical things that I have learned from teaching Ms. Jimi:

1. Give The Student The Opportunity To Reach Small Goals

Early on, I realized that Jimi was not going to progress as a typical student would. She could not remember from week to week what we had played the lesson before, so it was obvious that our lessons together needed to be taught in the moment, as an exercise time for her brain.  For 30 minutes, Jimi and I play through pieces that she enjoys and that challenge her, but do not frustrate her.

Ms. Jimi can play simple songs with both hands in C position, G position, and middle C position. We have about six songs in each position that we cycle through. Occasionally, I will add a new one. Usually I will help her through the song the first time. Then we will play it again, and she almost always improves the second time. I’ve noticed when Jimi can play through an entire song by herself, she feels very accomplished. However, she never remembers from week to week what we played during the previous lesson.

2. Use Teaching Aids

As I said, Ms. Jimi is 90, so her eyes struggle at times. Large note music, with the letter written inside the note head, help her immensely. Sometimes I put stickers on the keys to label them just like I might do for a child when he or she is first learning a position. Having the keys labeled is one less thing she has to figure out, which allows her to play through the piece more fluently and enjoy the melody.  I have also found that staying in the same position for an entire lesson helps her to feel more successful. Switching positions between songs causes her to become confused, which then leads to frustration.

3. Know When To Take Breaks

Jimi loves chocolate. If I sense that she is having a rough day and not enjoying the music, we eat a chocolate together.   Sometimes I pull out books that I’ve brought along and ask her if I can play a song for her. She loves “Claire de Lune” and each time I play it, she reacts as if itʼs the first time I have played it for her. “Oh Wow! I love that song!” she will say, often teary-eyed.

4. Know When To Keep Quiet

There are times when Ms. Jimi says “Donʼt touch my fingers this time!” or “Now let me do it and you donʼt talk!” I love her wit, her will, and her determination. And I have definitely learned that it doesnʼt have to be perfect, but she needs to do it on her own. Sometimes I just need to sit back and let her play; if she stumbles, I try to let her figure it out unless Iʼm asked for help.

5. Be Flexible, Creative and Make it Fun

Iʼm always looking for ways to improve Jimi’s experience at piano lessons. Even though I know I could teach Jimi the same exact lesson every single week and she would probably never know – I WOULD KNOW. I mean, good grief, if I live to be 90, I hope that someone makes sure Iʼm still having fun!

One time her grown son came to town and brought her to her lesson. We worked on a simple waltz. She played it for him. Then I asked her if she wanted me to play it so that she could dance with her son. They floated around the room and it was a special moment. On another occasion, I showed her a YouTube video about a 100-year-old woman who was a Holocaust survivor and still loved to play the piano every day. Jimi loved it!

These Tips Can Be Used For Piano Lessons for Beginners of All Kinds

Each music student has different needs. No two students are the same, and that’s what makes our job as music teachers exciting and ever-evolving! My challenge for other teachers is to take the time to experiment and think outside the box to help enrich the lives of their students, not only musically, but also emotionally and spiritually. Music reaches deep into the soul and can bring so much joy into the lives of others!

Jimi has been a joy to work with and I’ve learned so much from her. It is my hope that this article will help other piano teachers who may be working with students who have Alzheimer’s or dementia. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. 

I would love to hear about your experiences teaching piano lessons to students with Alzheimer’s or dementia. 

Has your teaching approach changed since you started working with these types of students? What challenges have you faced and how did you overcome them? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Windy C.

Windy Cobourne

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