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How to Add and Subtract on Excel: A Useful Skill for Work & Life

Febrero 1, 2023

How to Add and Subtract on Excel: A Useful Skill for Work & Life

No doubt, the Microsoft Office suite is one of the best productivity software around. It contains so many important tools that we use every day. One particular member of this family that has stuck with us and become essential is Excel Software. This software has grown to be one of the most used software programs of the 21st Century, and it’s hard to imagine a business world without it.

Although Everyone knows about Excel Software, not everyone knows how to operate the software not to talk of performing basic arithmetic operations. That’s Ok!

This guide was created for that exact reason. In fact, I will assume zero knowledge about Excel software, and will start with the very basics. By the end of this write-up, you will know how to subtract and add on Excel, and not just numbers alone, but also cell references.

You will also learn how to use special functions to simplify arithmetic operations and find out how to add and subtract lists of rows and columns. Since we have a lot to learn, let’s get started!

How Do You Get Excel to Add and Subtract Columns?

Wondering how to add and subtract columns on Excel? It’s easier than you might think:

  • First highlight the cells for the column you want to change, then use the SUM formula to add them up. 
  • You can click the “fx” button on the formula bar and type “=SUM” followed by your chosen cell range. 
  • When you press enter, the total will appear in the active cell at the bottom of your selection.
  • Subtracting works similarly; use a minus sign before your cell range. 
  • To keep track of what you’ve done, take advantage of Excel’s ability to view formulas as opposed to values—just press Ctrl + ` (backtick) and you will be able to see all of your operations at once! 

With these easy-to-follow tips, working with columns in Excel is no longer a daunting task. 

Still stuck? Ask your math tutor for help! They’ll be able to get you back on the right track, plus you’ll learn all the other helpful math tips like what you see in the video below: 

A Quick Overview of the Excel Software

Microsoft Excel – or Excel for short – is a software program used for storing, organizing, and manipulating data (just like what we are about to do). This program organizes data into rows (horizontal) and columns (vertical) making it easy to analyze and manipulate data.

The Excel document is called a workbook and the intersection of a row and a column is called a cell (the box where you type in your data). The file extension for an Excel workbook is .xlsx and thanks to Microsoft’s generosity, the Excel program can open over 20 different file extensions including Html and pdfs.

Although Excel Software is mostly used in the business world for calculations, expense tracking, and financial reports, the software can do more than that. It can be used for charting, creating forms and quizzes, and even used to create a puzzle game like the popular Sudoku.

How to Add and Subtract on Excel Spreadsheet

Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed by the concept of adding and subtracting on an Excel spreadsheet? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! 

With just a few simple steps, even the math-phobic among us can learn to operate this intimidatingly intimidating program. Below, we will show you how easy it is to add and subtract on Excel – no need for dramatic music or intense calculations here! So sit back, relax, and get ready… let’s master that Excel spreadsheet together!

How to add with Excel

First, we will start with how to do additional in excel. So it is time to get our hands dirty and perform some calculations. To better understand the whole concept, it is best if we illustrate with an example. Since money is something we use every day, we’ll use that as an example.

Suppose we want to add $100 (service fee for a gig ) to $25 (a gift from a friend). All you have to do is place the mouse cursor in a cell of your choice, and type in ‘ =$100 + $25 ‘ and the calculation will be performed immediately.

Note: Whenever you want to perform any calculation in Excel, you must put the equal sign (=) before whatever you want to calculate. Without the equal sign, no calculations will be performed.

Adding Cell References

Sometimes when we type in numbers, we won’t want to perform arithmetic operations. Sometimes (or most of the time), these numbers are already in a cell, and we just need to perform calculations on them. What do we do?

Microsoft has provided us with an easy way of doing this. Once you type in the equal sign, type in the cell references you want to perform calculations on. This is how it looks like in brief: ‘= A2+B2’.

If you are feeling a little bit lazy and don’t want to type in the cell reference, you can click on the cells and still obtain the same result.

Sum Function (A smarter way to add)

As you know, there is always a better way of doing things. The Excel addition operation is no exception.

Microsoft provides us the SUM function for adding. To utilize the sum function, all you have to do is to first type the equal sign, followed by the word “SUM” and then the numbers to be added within parentheses separated by commas.

This is how it looks like in brief: ‘=SUM (100,25)’.

Adding a Range of Cell References

Yes, you can also add a list of rows and columns in Excel. It is simple and easy. Type in the equal sign, followed by the word ‘SUM’, and then the range’s starting and ending cell separated by a colon inside parentheses.

This is how it looks like: ‘=SUM(B1:B5)’.

How to Subtract on Excel


It is logical for us to see how to use subtraction in Excel after looking at how to perform addition. The difference between the addition operation and the subtraction operation is a thin line.

All you have to do is flip the sign.

Just like addition, all you have to do is place your mouse cursor in a cell and type in the equal sign followed by the numbers you want to subtract. For example: ‘=100-25’ and the calculation will be performed.

Subtracting Cell References

In place of the actual numbers, type in their cell reference and the calculation will be performed. This is how it looks like: ‘=B2-A2’.

Subtracting from a Range of Cells

Although Excel has no subtract function, you can subtract from a range of cells using the SUM function. 

First, type the equal sign followed by the range of cells you want to subtract from in the SUM function, then type the minus sign and the cell reference that needs to be subtracted.

This is how it all looks like: ‘=SUM(B1:B5) – B6’

How to Add and Subtract in Same Cell on Excel

Adding and subtracting in the same cell is an Excel trick that can save time when creating spreadsheets or tracking data. To do so, all you need to do is enable the equation builder in Excel. 

With it, you can easily write equations directly into the cells and easily compute multiple figures together. For example, if you want to add two different numbers from two columns together, simply type =sum(A2+B2) into the desired cell and hit enter – like magic, the new figure will be generated without having to manually crunch the numbers yourself. 

All of this adds up to a faster and more efficient workflow when using Excel – no more writing out equations every time!

How to Add and Subtract Time on Excel

Adding or subtracting time in a spreadsheet can be a tricky task. Thankfully, Excel has many built-in functions and tools that make it easier to add or subtract time from cells and ranges. By using these features you can quickly calculate the amounts of time between two dates, as well as adding or subtracting specified increments. 

With the right input, Excel can even add up multiple cells containing different times together with ease. To use these features effectively, one just needs to familiarize themselves with the range of formatting options available and should not forget to pay extra attention when applying formulas so as to get accurate results.

Other Helpful Excel Tips

Are you an Excel whiz but not so great with math? If you’re trying to use formulas in Excel, these tips will make you feel like a math genius! 

What is the Formula to Add Difference in Excel?

If you need to add and subtract numbers from the same cell in Excel, there is a special formula for it called SUMIFS. This formula allows you to perform multiple calculations at once by combining several functions. For example, let’s say you want to calculate the total sales for each month of this year. You can use SUMIFS to add each month’s sales figures together and then subtract out any discounts or returns that occurred during that month. The syntax would look like this: 


How Do You Add, Subtract, and Divide in One Formula in Excel?

Adding, subtracting, and dividing in one formula in Excel is easier than you might think. All you have to do is use the same symbol for each operation—addition is represented by a “+” sign, subtraction by a “-” sign, and division by a “/” sign. 

When entering data into the formula, always begin with the addition/subtraction symbols so that all operations will be done correctly. For example, if you want to add 2 numbers, divide the result by 4, and then subtract 2 more numbers from it, you would enter the formula like this: =(A2+B2)/4-C2-D2. This ensures that Excel will perform all operations in the correct order and give you your desired answer.

How Do You Multiply in Excel?

When it comes time to multiply two numbers in an Excel spreadsheet, there are several ways to do it. The most straightforward way is to type = followed by the cell number or range of cells that contain the values you want to multiply together. For example, if we wanted to multiply A1 and B2 together again, we would type =A1*B2 into any cell. You can also select a range of cells; for example =PRODUCT(A1:B2) will multiply all of the cells in that range together. 

How Do You Divide in Excel?

Dividing two numbers is just as easy as adding or multiplying them—just type = followed by the cell number or range of cells that contain the values you want divided and then press Enter/Return on your keyboard (or click “Calculate”). If we wanted to divide A1 by B2 again, we would type =A1/B2 into any cell. To divide multiple numbers at once, just select a range of cells; for example =QUOTIENT(A1:B2) will divide all of the cells in that range together.

Learn Excel Today!

Now, you see how to add and subtract in Excel. You have just learned an important skill. Keep it up!

Learning how to use a spreadsheet program like Excel can be a valuable tool in almost any career. Being able to organize and visualize data quickly and accurately is a skill that employers look for when hiring, especially in the fields of business, finance, data analysis, and operations. 

With basic knowledge of Excel, you’ll be able to create workable spreadsheets with formulas that streamline processes and save your company time. Most importantly, understanding how to use Excel can open up more opportunities within your current role or lead to avenues for growth as you become better versed in data visualization and management. 

Learning how to effectively use this widely-used program is an invaluable skill no matter what field you’re working in. Sign up for Excel tutoring today – and start succeeding in anything new you want to try tomorrow.


Adedayo Ajao