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Here, you'll find a variety of helpful resources to turn to when learning something new - from comprehensive guides to step-by-step tutorials.

Contest: Win Backstage Passes to See Def Leppard in Concert

You've screamed the lyrics to "LET'S GET ROCKED" into your hairbrush. You've strummed the chords to "POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME" on your tennis racket. And we know you drummed the beats of "ROCK OF AGES" on your invisible drum kit. But now, we want to see you do it. To celebrate the band's upcoming summer tour, will give away 10 backstage tours with a Meet & Greet with members of the band to those fans who do the best job of rocking out to a Def Leppard song. Lip-s

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Singers: How to Warm Up Your Vocal Cords

Image via Wikipedia Ancient civilizations discovered powerful truths about vocalizing and singing that are relevant to modern students of voice and song.We all go through our daily lives speaking, humming, and singing some of the time without realizing the effects of things we do half-consciously.  Or maybe we just suspect it!  Well here are some facts!!By focusing on singing, speaking, or chanting the vowels (A,E,I,O,U) we release a myriad of emotions in an uplifting and healing manner.Chanti

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So You Wanna Learn How to Play Guitar (pt.9)

Awesome! Special thanks to Takelessons for gettin' this column started.  If you've been following along you may have learned a few things about theory, practice habits, approaches to new technique and more.  So now that you know everything I imagine you're ready to take the next step.  The Blues: The Blues is a formulated progression of three (sometimes four) chords that are commonly blocked into a 12 bar format.  The chord progression for blues chords in A is A (I) D(IV) a

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NYC TV Show is Looking For Indie Band Music Videos

IndiMusic TV is looking for independent artists or bands who have a quality concept music video (no live footage) they would like to air on WLNY TV 10/55, a powerful commercial TV station in the N.Y. tri-state area. Says John Tabacco, Associate Producer: “We reach over six million homes and potentially 15 million viewers. We are currently offering this opportunity for free. Indimusic TV is a half hour show that airs for 13 weeks, and broadcasts four videos a week. We play music videos from aro

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Music Lessons Paying Off - Slideshow of the 2009 San Diego Music Lessons Concert

Check out the TakeLessons Show What You Know Spring 2009 Concert. A group of FABULOUS kids performed and did a great job! Looks like music lessons for kids pays off and we're all very proud of you. This is a slideshow of the performers.

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How To Pick Out A Guitar for Your Guitar Lessons

Are you getting ready for your guitar lessons and need to pick the right guitar? There are a dizzying number of guitars on the market to choose from. You can certainly spend upwards of $1,000 and get a fabulous guitar, but the trick is to find a guitar that works for you for much less!Acoustic or Electric?Acoustic guitars are either Steel String, or Nylon String (also known as a “Classical Guitar” or “Spanish Guitar”). They are good choices for children because they are available in ½ a

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Singing Lessons - Yoga for the Voice

When I first began my professional singing career, still in my teens, I was extremely dissatisfied with the explanations I had been given for how and why the singing voice works. I just couldn't make my voice do the things I wanted it to. Admittedly, I had pretty high expectations.Fortunately, I went to my public library and happened on a copy of "Science and Singing" by the late, great Ernest George White of London, England. After decades of scientific research, White discovered how the vo

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The Key to Effective Music Practicing

Image via WikipediaThere is a saying that captures a critical difference between how amateurs and professional musicians practice and learn difficult musical passages:“The amateur practices until she gets it right. The professional practices until she can’t get it wrong.”I once performed violin in an orchestra under maestro Anshel Brusilow, a wonderful conductor and former concert master of the Philadelphia Orchestra. During one rehearsal he presented his philosophy on the art of practicin

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The Relationship Between Music and Math

We are surrounded by two things everyday... Math and Music. Most of the time we don't even notice the math or we just choose to ignore it. But we notice music everywhere... Sometimes as soon as our radio alarm clock goes off in the morning we are surrounded by it. When you take music lessons, we realize that in that music, there are beautiful and symmetric numerical systems. From simple arithmetical processes to things as complicated as Group Transformations, music is full of mathematics.I would

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TakeLessons Music Lessons Guide - download a free copy for a limited time

Free Guide to Getting Started with Music Lessons.TakeLessons Guide to Music Lessons   TakeLessons Discover Your Music. TakeLessons™ lorem ipsum dolor sit amet  Music Lesson Guide                                                           TakeLessons they learn much more than just how to perform! Benefits of Music & Voice Lessons Older adults find that music lessons are a great way to stay mentally active. Many

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