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Academic Tutoring near Los Angeles, CA

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Academic Tutoring Lessons near Los Angeles

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I took tap lessons about 25 years ago, so I was feeling pretty nervous about starting up again in my (almost) 40s. Jordan instantly made it SO fun and easy to jump back in. In each lesson, she gets

Tania (Public Speaking lessons with Jordan W.)

This is my first tap lesson in quite some time but Jordan made me feel extremely comfortable and excited for our next lesson. I’m looking forward to learning more about tap!

Hannah (Public Speaking lessons with Jordan W.)

Super helpful and patient! Very accommodating and productive lesson

Dallas Cummaro (Calculus lessons with Erin W.)

I had a very positive experience taking stretching lessons with Jordan. She is well organized and detailed oriented. Her techniques aren’t painful and sustainable to improve flexibility on the long te

Sofia (Public Speaking lessons with Jordan W.)

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Small group of students, guided by an expert teacher
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