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10 Funny Songs to Sing For Kids

October 12, 2022

10 Funny Songs to Sing For Kids

Funny Songs to Sing with Kids

Looking for funny songs for kids to sing? There’s a whole slew of funny music for kids that can be sung in the classroom or at home. These fun songs can teach new concepts, or just be sung for the sake of silliness. Whether they’re instructional or not, it will be hard to get these silly kid songs out of your head once you and your kids start singing along!

Singing along with your kids offers an array of benefits, including stronger friendships, increased confidence, and potentially even better test scores. Let’s take a look at 10 of the best interactive songs for kids to sing, and then learn more about the benefits of music for toddlers. Remember, you can’t take yourself too seriously when it comes to these tunes! Kid Music Lessons

10 Funny Kid Songs to Sing

1. Beethoven’s Wig

A song about – you guessed it – Beethoven’s Wig! (It’s very big.) Sung to the tune of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, kids will be having too much fun to realize they’re getting exposed to the world of classical music. Good luck listening to this symphony ever again without thinking of Beethoven’s hairpiece!

Looking for more entertaining classics from various artists? This website is a great resource.

2. The Name Game

You probably drove your parents nuts with this when you were a kid, now it’s time to pass the torch. The Name Game is a great song for boosting language skills in preschool and kindergarten students!

3. Please Don’t Play Your Violin at Night

Want to incorporate some Mozart into your child’s repertoire? Try this playful rendition of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik when you sing Please Don’t Play Your Violin at Night.

4. Purple People Eater

“It’s a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater.” Of all the fun and silly songs for kids to sing, Purple People Eater is sure to make your kids laugh. But watch out: It’s a bit of a tongue twister!

5. Oh Where is My Hairbrush?

Oh Where is My Hairbrush by the VeggieTales gang can turn any normal activity or passing thought into a reason to break into song and dance. It may even inspire your own renditions, such as “Oh, where are my car keys?” for Mom and Dad, and “Oh, where are my shoes?” for the kids.

SEE ALSO: 400+ Songs to Sing for Every Occasion 

6. Witch Doctor

Originally created for and recently remade by America’s favorite singing rodents, the Chipmunks, Witch Doctor is sure to make babies and toddler-aged children giggle.

7. Yakety Yak

Appropriate for older children, you can poke fun at each other with this 1958 classic. Don’t talk back. Just sing it! Your kids will love Yakety Yak!

8. Boom Chicka Boom

The Learning Station offers a wide array of simple silly songs to sing with your children as part of their project to promote “healthy music for a child’s heart, body, and mind.” Boom Chicka Boom uses tongue twisters and wordplay to boost language development.

9. Parts of the Body Song

Music is a great educational tool for learning new things, and you can help your little one learn body parts with this goofy rap song. Once you get through the common body parts, try making up your own more specific verses with your child when singing the Parts of the Body Song.

10. I Didn’t Mean to Burp

Now that you’ve learned the parts of the body, why not move on to the next phase – bodily functions with I Didn’t Mean to Burp. What more could a child ask for in funny kid songs to sing?

Reasons to Sing These Funny Songs for Kids

There are a number of reasons to spend time singing with your kids. Music is a fundamental part of countless cultures around the globe, and every community has its own unique songs for kids and adults.  The funniest songs for kids can be found anywhere you go, which is a testament to just how important they are.

Music involves the brain at every level, with exposure increasing verbal and spatial skills, aiding emotional development, and improving body movement and coordination. And when you add silliness to the mix, creativity can be heightened as well.

Studies have shown that music and language development are closely intertwined. In fact, musical skills and speech skills have the same root: a baby’s babbling. When children try to imitate their parents and teachers, they do so not just with words but also with inflections and pitch. This means that we were all singers once, even before we learned how to talk!

Spontaneously creating your own funny kid songs to sing is one of the best ways to boost language skills and help a child come out of his or her shell. Not sure where to start? Just take a song that you both know and start changing up the words!

Finally, let’s not forget all the benefits of laughter that come with singing these funny songs for kids. Laughter has the ability to boost your immune system and energy level, diminish pain, protect your heart and body from the effects of stress, and much more. Most importantly, it makes us happy and brings us together.

Take It a Step Further

Songs like these can really help your child identify their love of music. Many great musicians today can trace their interest in music back to when they were kids, so these silly songs can spark a lifetime of musical enthusiasm. If your child enjoys these songs, consider signing him or her up for private singing lessons! Whether they want to sing or play an instrument, private lessons can help hone the skills necessary to excel.

Give your kids the most important gift of all: the gift of laughter and learning through music. Incorporate these funny kid songs to sing into your daily lives, and you’ll be creating fantastic memories along the way!

What are your favorite songs to teach kids? Let us know in the comments below!



Suzy S.