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Music Lessons near Los Osos, CA

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Music Lessons near Los Osos

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Awesome teacher very respectful and knowledgeable

Donna (Drums lessons with Zen R.)

Zen is a true professional! He’s the kind of teacher I’ve been hunting for. He’s so knowledgeable and patient and he makes every lesson fun! He has a great personality and I feel he would be a great

Marianna (Drums lessons with Zen R.)

Nils is a great teacher with a lot of experience. I highly recommend employing his help to improve your guitar skills!

Daniel T. (Blues Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

Nils is an outstanding instructor. He spends whatever time he needs to to make sure you learn what you want to learn. He is very flexible, and very patient. He takes great interest in your progress

Drew McMorrow (Acoustic Guitar lessons with Nils B.)

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