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Music Lessons near Rio Vista, CA

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I was very lucky to find Judy.I am taking guitar lessons from Judy for almost an year.She is an amazing instructor especially for beginners.She is very friendly and encouraging.She helps me work on m

Divyaradha (Guitar lessons with Judy G.)

In the words of my 9 year old - "Best music teacher ever!!" Thank you, Judy, for an awesome first lesson and a great first impression on our boy!

Vishal Garimella (Guitar lessons with Judy G.)

Judy is a fantastic teacher. She knew exactly how to help me get started at Ukulele and feel like I was making progress quickly! She makes students feel comfortable and successful. Highly recommend

Leah Levine-Goldberg (Ukulele lessons with Judy G.)

She's lesson is very efficient and fun! Can't wait next lesson!

Yuki (Ukulele lessons with Judy G.)

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