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How to Start a Tutoring Side Hustle

July 12, 2023

How to Start a Tutoring Side Hustle

Top view of a little girl working with a weekend tutor IMAGINESTOCK / Moment / Getty Images

Are you thinking of starting a tutoring side hustle? Smart thinking! 

Weekend tutoring jobs are becoming an increasingly popular way to make extra money while still having free time on the weekends.  

Tutoring side hustle jobs can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling—not just financially, but also with the knowledge that you’re helping build a better future for somebody.   

Maybe it began as an after-school activity or community volunteer work, but now it has become your passion. With countless families from all walks of life needing knowledgeable mentors to help their children reach their highest potential, now is the perfect time for you to find your tutoring side hustle job and start making magic happen.   

But how do you find tutoring side hustle jobs, and how much should you charge? Where can you find the best weekend tutor jobs, and is it possible to find tutoring side hustle jobs online? The questions are endless!  

Here we’ll discuss the benefits of starting an online tutor side hustle – and how to do it.  

Is Owning a Tutoring Business Profitable?

Tutoring is an excellent side hustle or full-time job. Here’s why: 

  • Tutoring can be a great side hustle due to its flexibility and potential for high earnings.  
  • Tutors have the ability to choose when, how often, and how many students they work with. 
  • Tutors may also supplement their incomes by offering online tutoring sessions. 

Are you ready to become a weekend tutor? Sign up to become a tutor today, and explore the myriad benefits of doing so by watching the video below:  

Qualifications for an Online Tutoring Side Hustle 

Are you a student, teacher, or professional looking for an opportunity to share your knowledge and help others pursue their passions?  

If you have talent or expertise in any subject, you can become a weekend tutor and earn extra income while making a difference in someone’s life.  

However, before you start advertising your services, you need to know the qualifications and requirements of how to tutor as a side hustle.  

Experience or a Degree in the Subject You Want to Teach 

The qualifications you’ll need in order to become a weekend tutor will depend on what you plan to teach. Most tutors have a college degree and experience in the subject they’re teaching. If you plan to tutor math, for example, you should have a degree in mathematics or a related field.  

You should also have knowledge of the curriculum and be able to explain concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. 

If you plan to tutor English or composition, you should have a degree in English and a strong knowledge of grammar, syntax, and composition. Being able to explain complex concepts and provide feedback on writing assignments is also important. 

Teaching Experience and Interpersonal Skills 

While academic qualifications are essential, they are not the only qualifications you need to be an effective tutor. You also need to have teaching experience, or at least tutoring experience, to know how to evaluate the student’s needs, plan the lessons, and provide feedback and guidance.  

Moreover, you should have excellent interpersonal skills, such as patience, empathy, and adaptability, to establish a positive and encouraging learning environment. 

Legal Obligations and Safety Measures 

Before you start tutoring, you need to consider the legal obligations and safety measures involved.  

For instance, you may need to obtain a background check, liability insurance, or certification from a reputable tutoring organization. This, again, depends on the platform with which you intend to work. 

Also, you should ensure that the tutoring venue—whether it is your home, the student’s home, or a public space—is safe, clean, and comfortable. Establish clear policies and boundaries regarding the schedule, fees, cancellation, and confidentiality. 

Marketing Strategies and Professionalism 

To attract students and build your reputation as a weekend tutor, you need to be able to implement some marketing strategies and, of course, exhibit a great deal of professionalism.  

You can create a website, social media profile, or printed flyers that showcase your credentials, experiences, and testimonials from previous clients. You should also have a clear and concise message that highlights your unique selling proposition and target audience.  

Moreover, you should communicate and behave professionally—for example, by being punctual, respectful, and responsive to inquiries and feedback. 

Continuous Learning and Improvement 

Most importantly, to become a successful and fulfilled weekend tutor, you should embrace continuous learning and improvement. You should keep abreast of the latest research, developments, and trends in your subject and pedagogical methods.  

You can attend workshops, webinars, and conferences to enhance your knowledge and skills. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback and self-reflect on your teaching style and effectiveness. 

Where to Find Side Hustle Tutoring Jobs  

There are a few different ways to find weekend tutoring jobs. You can search online job boards such as Indeed, Craigslist, and Glassdoor, or local classifieds and newspapers. 

You can also create a profile on tutoring sites such as Wyzant,, and of course, TakeLessons. These sites allow you to create a profile and list your qualifications and rates. Students can search for tutors based on their needs and contact you directly. 

What Are the Highest Paying Tutoring Jobs? 

TakeLessons is home to some of the best and highest-paying tutoring jobs you’ll find. Period. 

Online tutoring jobs with TakeLessons are some of the best-paying jobs available today, and that’s not surprising since tutoring online allows you to work from anywhere. You could be tutoring a student in a different country, and all you need is a reliable internet connection and a headset.  

The best part about most of these online tutoring platforms is that you get to set your hours and rates, which means you can earn a decent living. 

What Kind of Equipment Do You Need for Tutoring Side Hustle Jobs Online? 

In order to be a successful weekend tutor online, you’ll need some basic equipment such as a computer or laptop with a reliable internet connection. It’s also a good idea to have a webcam so you can video chat with your students. 

If you plan to tutor math, you’ll need a whiteboard or chalkboard, markers or chalk, and erasers. If you plan to tutor English, you’ll need paper and pens or pencils. If you plan on pursuing weekend tutor jobs in other subjects, take some time to do research and figure out exactly what other equipment you might need for your specialty.  

At the most basic level, you’ll also need a quiet, comfortable space to tutor. Make sure you have a desk or table and a good chair for yourself and your student (if you’re teaching in person, that is—weekend online tutoring jobs obviously won’t require these sorts of amenities for your students). 

The Benefits of Becoming a Weekend Tutor 

A tutoring side hustle can be a fulfilling hobby, side gig, or even a full-time job, depending on your level of involvement. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of becoming a weekend tutor.  


First of all, becoming a weekend tutor provides you with a high level of flexibility. You can choose the hours and days that work for you, which makes it a great option for those who have other commitments during the week.  

This flexibility also applies to the subjects or topics you want to tutor in, allowing you to choose areas that you enjoy or feel passionate about. By focusing on what you like, you can maintain a high level of interest and energy, translating into better teaching results. 

Form Strong Relationships 

Another important benefit of weekend tutoring is the opportunity to form strong relationships with your students. Unlike traditional teachers who may have hundreds of students, as a tutor, you will be working with a select group of students, and this means you can get to know them on a deeper level.  

This can be especially meaningful if you work with students who struggle in school or have special needs. By taking the time to connect with your students, you can provide much-needed support, encouragement, and even mentorship. 

Financial Benefits 

In addition to the emotional benefits, becoming a weekend tutor can also be financially rewarding. If you work with students in high-demand subjects like math or science, you can make a decent hourly rate.  

Moreover, tutoring can be a great way to earn extra income, especially if you have a full-time job during the week. You can even turn a tutoring side hustle into a full-time business if you build a strong reputation and clientele.  

Chance to Make a Difference 

Perhaps the most rewarding benefit of becoming an online weekend tutor is the chance to make a real difference in someone’s life. Education is a powerful tool that can transform lives and communities, and as a tutor, you have the opportunity to contribute to that change. 

By helping your students understand complex concepts, complete projects, and ace exams, you can boost their confidence and academic performance. Your role as a tutor can extend beyond academics, as you can also provide mentorship, guidance, and positive role modeling. 

How to Start a Tutoring Side Hustle 

If you’re thinking about building a tutoring side hustle, you’ve made a great choice. However, there are some steps you need to take to start side hustle tutoring. 

First, decide what type of tutoring you would like to provide. Do you want to tutor in-person or online? Would you prefer to tutor one-on-one or in groups?   

Once you have a good idea of the type of tutoring you want to provide, you can start to look for potential students. You can advertise your services online, or you can reach out to local schools or organizations to let them know you are available. 

Here are five tips to help you become the best weekend tutor you can be.

1. Stay Organized

Organization is key when it comes to tutoring. Make sure you always have the materials you need for each session and that you are up to date on the topic you are tutoring. Also, create a schedule and keep track of your students’ progress so you can adjust your teaching methods as needed.

2. Be Prepared

Make sure you are familiar with the material you are tutoring and come to each session prepared with lesson plans and activities that will engage your students. If you are not familiar with the material, do your research beforehand so you can provide the best possible tutoring experience.

3. Set Goals

Setting realistic and achievable goals is important to ensure you and your student are making progress. Discuss goals with your student and their parents and create a plan together to reach them.

4. Be Flexible

Every student has different needs and learning styles. Be open to making adjustments to your teaching methods to best meet the needs of your student.

5. Have Fun!

Tutoring can be a rewarding experience, so make sure to have fun with it! Create a positive atmosphere by providing encouragement and praise and by making the tutoring sessions enjoyable. 

How Many Hours a Week Should I Tutor? 

One important factor to consider when deciding how many hours to tutor in a week is your own schedule. Are you a full-time student or employee? Do you have other responsibilities that may interfere with your tutoring schedule?  

Only you can determine how much time you have available to tutor while still fulfilling your other commitments. If you’re new to tutoring, consider starting with a few hours a week and gradually increasing your workload as you become more comfortable with the job. 

Another important factor to consider is the demand for tutoring in your area or subject. Do you live in a city where there’s a high demand for tutoring services? Are you an expert in a subject that many students struggle with 

If so, you may find that you have more students than you have time to tutor. In this case, it may be beneficial to limit your hours per student, so you can accommodate more students overall. 

Everyone has different goals when it comes to tutoring. Some see it as a side hustle, while others view it as a full-time job. If you’re tutoring to earn extra income, you may find that a few hours a week is sufficient.  

However, if you’re looking to make a career out of tutoring or gain experience in education, you may need to commit more time to the job. Consider what your personal goals are for tutoring and plan your hours accordingly. 

How Much Can You Make Tutoring as a Side Hustle?  

When it comes to setting your rate as a weekend tutor, it’s important to take into account the type of tutoring you are providing, the location of your tutoring sessions, and the level of experience you have.  

Generally, the going rate for tutoring is between $25 and $50 per hour. However, if you are offering specialized services or are tutoring in-person, you can charge a higher rate. 

Here are all the factors you need to consider when setting your tutoring rates. 

Determine Your Services 

The first step in setting your rates is to determine what type of tutoring services you will be offering. Are you providing general academic assistance? Or are you offering specialized services, such as test prep or language tutoring? Specialized services can often be charged at a higher rate since they require more expertise and experience.  

The level of education you’re tutoring can also impact your rates. Elementary school tutoring typically pays less than high school or college-level tutoring. 

Location Matters 

Another factor to consider when setting your rates is the location in which you will be providing tutoring services. In-person tutoring is generally more lucrative than online tutoring because it requires more time, effort, and personal interaction. If you live in an affluent area, you can charge higher rates due to the higher cost of living. 

Set Realistic Rates 

When deciding on your rates, it’s important to have a realistic understanding of your skill level and experience. If you are new to tutoring or don’t have a lot of experience, you may need to charge a lower rate until you establish yourself in the market. As you gain more experience and develop a reputation, you can gradually increase your rates accordingly. 

Be Competitive 

To be successful as a tutor, you need to be competitive with other tutors in your area. Do some research to find out what other tutors with similar skills and expertise are charging. Set your rates within a reasonable range to make yourself attractive to potential clients while still earning what you deserve. 

Offer Value-Added Services 

One way to differentiate yourself from other tutors and justify your higher rates is to offer value-added services.  

For example, you can provide students with personalized lesson plans, study materials, or online support to help them succeed. By offering these additional services, you can demonstrate that you are invested in your student’s success and are willing to go above and beyond to help them achieve their academic goals. 

Is Tutoring Passive Income? 

One common question you’ll hear about tutoring side hustles is whether it’s passive income. 

The answer is yes…and no. 

First things first, let’s define what passive income really means. Passive income is income earned that requires little to no effort to maintain. Tutoring may seem like passive income because you can make money without being physically present, but it requires a great deal of upfront work, such as marketing, networking, and building a client base. You’ll also need to provide ongoing support to your students even when you’re not physically with them.  

However, once you’ve built up a steady clientele and have streamlined your operations, tutoring can become low-maintenance and somewhat passive. Once you have a schedule filled with regular students, it can feel like you’re making money without doing much work. But it’s important to remember that the time spent building up that client base can be difficult and time-consuming.  

Another thing to consider is that tutoring is seasonal. Students typically need extra help during exam season, school breaks, and during summer vacation. If you’re looking for a consistent and steady flow of income, tutoring may not be the way to go. That being said, if you can market your services to a variety of students and parents, you can ensure a steady stream of clients throughout the year.  

Tutoring can also be a great way to supplement your income. If you have a full-time job, tutoring can be a way to make extra cash on the side. You can also take breaks when you need to, and work as much or as little as you want. However, if you’re looking to entirely replace your full-time income, tutoring may not be the most practical option.  

Consider Starting a Tutoring Side Hustle Today!

So is tutoring a good side hustle? You betcha.  

By becoming a weekend tutor, you can make a difference in the lives of others while also earning some extra income.   

With the right amount of research and preparation, you can be successful in your tutoring business and make a positive impact on your students! Sign up to become a weekend tutor now. You won’t regret it.  

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TakeLessons Staff