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How to Instantly Impress on Your College Applications

May 22, 2023

How to Instantly Impress on Your College Applications

Getting involved in activities is a great way to amp up your college application. Here, New York, NY tutor Lauren P. explains how to take it up a notch further…

The college application process can be nerve-wracking and intimidating. You want to make sure you stand out from the thousands of other applications, but you don’t know how to make sure your college applications are the best they can be. Don’t worry! 

Here are some tips that will help you instantly impress your college admissions officers and give you an edge over the competition. 

When Should I Start Applying for College?

Starting the college application process early can be an important step in ensuring a successful experience:

  • College applications should be started as soon as possible so that applicants thoroughly research the schools and programs of interest.
  • This will give you time to visit campuses, ask questions of current students, and learn about financial aid and scholarship opportunities. 
  • Starting early can allow students ample time to create strong essays, complete relevant extracurricular and volunteer activities, and ensure all materials are submitted before each school’s deadlines.
  • Gathering information about potential colleges can help potential students understand what different institutions have to offer and support their decision making process. 

With thoughtful planning and preparation, it is easier to navigate the intricacies of the college application process and create the best chance for acceptance into your ideal educational path.

If you want to make sure you impress your college admissions reps, no matter what the application deadlines for colleges you’re applying to are, be sure to sign up for academic tutoring. This is the best way to make sure your grades are what they need to be.

Learn more about the benefits of academic tutoring by watching the video below:

What is the College Application Process?

Are you ready to embark on an epic quest? Before you set off on your journey, let’s take a look at what exactly is involved in applying to college. 

The First Step: Researching Your Options 

To get started, you’ll need to research various colleges and universities to decide which schools are the best fit for you. Consider looking into factors such as cost, location, size, and majors offered. 

You can also read reviews from current and former students and see if the school is ranked highly by institutions like US News & World Report. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential schools, it’s time to start filling out the applications. 

Filling Out Applications 

Most colleges require applicants to fill out an online application form that includes basic information such as name, address, age, etc. Depending on the school, there may also be additional essays or creative writing prompts which give admissions officers a chance to get to know more about who you are beyond your academics. It’s important that these essays paint a picture of who you are as an individual so be sure to write them with care! 

The Fun Part: Letters of Recommendation/Test Scores   

After completing the application forms and essays, it’s time to collect letters of recommendation from professors or mentors who can speak positively about your character and academic achievements. 

You will also want to submit test scores from exams such as the SAT or ACT if applicable. Finally, make sure all documents are submitted before any deadlines set by each school.

Your Ultimate College Application Checklist

You’ve likely heard before that demonstrating long-term commitment and leadership in a couple of extracurricular activities, instead of experimenting with something new every semester, can increase your chances of getting into college. Don’t wait around to be voted Vice President or Treasurer of an overcrowded school club. Prove your leadership skills by starting a club today.

Impress Colleges by Demonstrating Leadership

While scholars and athletes may have a greater chance of getting into some colleges, this is not all schools look for in candidates. Like it or not, the institution of higher education is about more than student learning. Colleges improve their ranking when they can boast prestigious alumni. You can demonstrate your ability to become one of these celebrated alumni through the extracurricular activities you include on your college applications. In addition to the activities you are already committed to, what better way is there to exhibit leadership than to write “Club President & Founder” on your application?

Turn Weaknesses Into Strengths

How do you decide what club to start? Found a club that makes the most of your skills and interests, while transforming your weaknesses into strengths. If you are too nervous to be in charge or speak in front of a group, organize your club to suit your leadership style. You could recruit a friend or classmate to be your spokesperson, for example, while you manage from behind the scenes. Read the club ideas below to help you brainstorm your own:

  • If you are a math wiz, start a peer tutoring initiative or a “college placement” club to challenge yourself and others to higher levels of math.
  • If you struggle academically, make it clear on your college application that your academic weaknesses actually fuel your leadership potential and passion to help others in the community. For example, you could start an early intervention club to tutor elementary students who may be falling through the cracks.
  • Are you an aspiring athlete? Coach a weekly sports camp for kids, start a charity kickball league with your peers, or offer volunteer fitness training to the elderly or even your own parents and teachers!
  • Did you forgo AP courses to pursue your love of art, film, or other elective classes? Use your college application to prove you are serious about these pursuits. Found a club dedicated to art, photography, gospel, film, chess, video game design, romance novels, etc. The sky is the limit!

Despite your class schedule, grades, or test scores, your college application can scream leadership potential with the right activities. Simply found a club that allows you (and your peers) to spend more time doing what you love!

Be a Contributing Member of Your Community

Every college wants students who contribute to the community. This is why most college applications ask for volunteer experience. Community service comes in many forms, so choose the type and cause you are passionate about. Come up with ideas based on the activities below:

  • Do you like cooking or baking? Bake away and recruit other chefs for a bake sale or potluck fundraiser for the Red Cross.
  • Are you an athlete? Organize a charitable sporting event with teachers vs. students or seniors vs. freshman to donate to a children’s hospital.
  • Are you a nature-lover? Host a volunteer outing to plant trees, clean up litter, or plant a community garden.
  • Are you a budding artist or politician? Design posters and catchy slogans to get people excited about donating change, clothes, food, etc. to help the homeless.

Once you decide on the cause you want to support, become a leader by committing to a specific number of activities or hours every week or month. If your school already has a community service club, start a separate club dedicated to your cause of choice. If your school won’t allow you to found a new club, become a leader in the existing club by organizing fundraisers, volunteer outings, and awareness campaigns.

Make Summer Vacation Count

Often there is an entire section of the college application dedicated to how you spent your summer. You do not want to leave this blank. This can be as simple as planning a volunteer day with friends or family. Pick up trash, host a fundraiser, or visit a local food pantry or animal shelter. Apply for a job, explore cultural excursions, and continue your club and community service activities over the summer. Filling your college application with extracurricular and summer activities that exhibit leadership and commitment is easy, and can absolutely increase your chances of getting into college. Get started today!

Pay Attention to College Application Deadlines

When are college applications due? Paying close attention to college application deadlines can be a critical factor in making sure you receive your desired college decision. It is very important to keep track of each school’s deadlines so that your applications are not overlooked or delayed due to an administrative oversight. 

Many colleges offer early admission opportunities which allow for increased chances of being admitted. Applicants should take advantage of this path by ensuring their timely submission. 

Furthermore, meeting the deadline will give applicants time to address any issues that might arise concerning the application process; this could reduce the risk of not being accepted by the school. If a student fails to adhere to the deadline, there is a chance that their hard work and effort in preparing for college will go unrecognized if their applications aren’t considered in time. 

Put a Lot of Time Into Your College Application Essay

It can be tough to stand out among other college applicants. However, one way to set yourself apart is by putting a lot of time and effort into your college application essay

Writing an essay that reflects deeply on who you are as a person, as well as your goals and ambitions, shows colleges you have given thought to their application process. 

Taking the extra time to make sure your essay is polished and professional speaks volumes of your dedication. Your college application essay is an opportunity to illustrate what makes you unique, so make it count! Investing energy into crafting the perfect message just might lead you towards acceptance at your dream school.

Fine Tune Your Resume for College Application 

With the college applications looming, it is important to make sure that each one has an impressive resume attached. 

It is worth taking the time to fine-tune your resume for college applications by ensuring that it presents all of your unique talents and attributes that the admissions committee would be looking for in a prospective student. By highlighting all of your extracurricular activities, awards, volunteer work and other accomplishments, you can show that you are a stand out applicant. 

Many colleges will also take into account any internships or relevant employment experiences that you may have had since graduating high school. Be sure to include this information in carefully crafted language that stands out and clearly helps explain why you are an excellent choice for admission.

Other Things to Note About the College Common Application 

The college common application can seem overwhelming, especially since many schools require you to write supplemental essays. But by properly preparing and being aware of important facts, the process doesn’t have to be arduous. 

First, make sure to cater your essays towards the specific school you’re applying to rather than taking a generic approach; this will showcase your interest in them. 

Note that many schools ask for letters of recommendation and if so, give teachers who can give insight into your abilities plenty of time in advance. 

Keep an eye on deadlines! The last thing you want is to miss the submission date because you failed to submit your essay in time or pay the fee too late. 

Finally, attach all all work neatly – colleges often request transcripts and other records as part of the package. Following these four steps will ensure that when you submit your application it will be professional and show off who you are in your best light.

What is Needed for College Applications?

To recap, for your college applications, you will need (at minimum) the following:

  • High school transcripts
  • SAT/ACT test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • A personal essay (sometimes multiple!)
  • A resume

An interview is often required as well.

Applying for colleges can be daunting, but by following these five tips, you’ll be able to put together an impressive college application package that will wow any admissions officer! 

From getting great letters of recommendation to showcasing extracurricular activities, there are plenty of ways that you can set yourself apart from the competition and make a lasting impression on those reviewing your college applications.

And if you’re still not sure what you should be doing to set yourself apart on your college applications, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. A tutor can not only help you boost your grades before it’s time to apply, but can also help you make sure your college applications are as impressive as possible. Sign up today!

LaurenPLauren tutors in various subjects in New York, NY. She has her Master’s Degree in Education (with a concentration in students with learning disabilities), and is a certified NYC Special Education teacher. Learn more about Lauren here!



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