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Music Lessons near Manassas, VA

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Music Lessons near Manassas

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I learned more in one lesson than I have in any other single lesson I have had.

Jerry Walsh (Piano lessons with Carol K.)

She is very good with children and has really great techniques to teach children. She is also very patient with him.

Aaron Punnoose (Piano lessons with Carol K.)

Ms. Carol is a great teacher. She is patient, kind and knowledgeable teacher. She makes sure that you understand every single thing. I enjoyed my first lesson with her a lot!😄

Hanaa Hegazy (Music Theory lessons with Carol K.)

Carol is a wonderful, patient teacher that is very knowledgeable in piano. I enjoy every lesson that we have

Patty Braford (Piano lessons with Carol K.)

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