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Music Lessons near Aldie, VA

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Music Lessons near Aldie

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I took piano lessons with Mr B. He was so skillful with a great curriculum. He made it so smooth and I became a pro in a short time. He is an awesome music teacher fir all ages for sure.

Mary J (Piano lessons with Mr. B S.)

Thank you so much for being such an amazing piano teacher! I have learned so much from you because you always encourage me to do better and praise me when I get it done! I greatly appreciate the time

Dema Tawil (Piano lessons with Mr. B S.)

Mr. B is truly awesome! I had my son take classical guitar lessons with him and he is truly amazing. My son was able to pick up how to play the guitar from even the first lesson that’s how awesome he

John (Piano lessons with Mr. B S.)

Thank you for a great class! This is really great. I can't believe I've finally started learning the bass guitar it’s been my dream. Super fun to play on.

Jeffrey Williams (Piano lessons with Mr. B S.)

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