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Music Lessons near Allen, TX

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Music Lessons near Allen

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

We found Mr. Ryan an awesome piano teacher for our daughter. She is 4 years old and enjoy his lessons very much, as he make them interesting for her. He is also very professional and always on time.

Angela Dallagasperina (Piano lessons with Ryan B.)

He is REALLY funny and he takes it slow. He doesn't rush you or anything like that.

Julielle Nguyen (Piano lessons with Ryan B.)

I started Learning guitar with Ryan in Jan. Its only been a month and I have learned so much. He is very accommodating with his schedule and Extremely knowledgeable about all things music. I had many

Ricky (Guitar lessons with Ryan B.)

Very friendly, upbeat, keeps students engaged in a positive way. Skilled at establishing and maintaining a good learning momentum during class.

Eliezer (Piano lessons with Ryan B.)

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