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Language Lessons near Knoxville, TN

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Language Lessons near Knoxville

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I have felt drawn to the Russian language and culture for many years and had dabbled with learning the language the past year. I really wanted to take my learning process to the next level and really

Tyler (Russian lessons with Maria P.)

My company does business in Russia so learning the language is important for me. I tried programs like Rosetta Stone but progress was slow and frustrating. Learning from a native speaker like Maria

Mike (Russian lessons with Maria P.)

Best, sweetest Russian teacher. I learned a lot about the language and the culture. Russian movies are lots of fun. Highly recommended. Большое спасибо!

Anna Drake (Russian lessons with Maria P.)

So far, my French classes were amazing and my instructor is amazing too. She made it very simple to learn and gave me tricks for fast learning.

Hind (French lessons with Evelyne K.)

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