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Academic Tutoring near Brooklyn, NY

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Academic Tutoring Lessons near Brooklyn

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Daughter, a junior, has a paper due and needing editing help. Nick gave her clear, written, formatting and structure suggestions that she'd be able work on. She was really glad of the points discusse

Dayra (English Literature lessons with Nick P.)

Dr. D helped me a lot when I was struggled with writing my personal statement and I totally learned a lot from her!

Sam (Writing lessons with Dr. D. B.)

Wow! Very thorough and caring professional. Interested in evaluating where the individual's writing skills are; what are their goals; and how to develop a lesson plan based on the age and school distr

Danni (Writing lessons with Dr. D. B.)

She gave me a lot of great advice and encouragement.

aska (Public Speaking lessons with Dr. D. B.)

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