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Language Lessons near Arlington, MA

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Ana teaches our small group of students. She brings a lot of enthusiasm into the class. Her lessons are never the same; apart from the book she uses different methods like games, role plays, quizzes,

Sjoukje (Spanish lessons with Ana S.)

Ana has been a phenomenal instructor. She is incredibly patient, thorough & efficient. We make the most of our 60 min sessions and she makes you feel very comfortable from the first moment you talk. S

Megan (Spanish lessons with Ana S.)

Ana is such a great instructor. Her knowledge and comprehension of the Spanish language is amazing. Her patience and understanding is much appreciated. I'm a senior and was interested in learning the

Jem (Spanish lessons with Ana S.)

I have been working with Ana for 4 months and it has been a wonderful experience since the very beginning. Ana is incredibly patient and well prepared. Her explanations are always clear and supported

Nicole (Spanish lessons with Ana S.)

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