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Language Lessons near Honolulu, HI

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Language Lessons near Honolulu

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I have been learning french for many years through my school system, and I have never really been confident in the language itself even though I've really liked it. Along with learning the smaller imp

Lauren (French lessons with Zach M.)

Zach is a fantastic teacher! He is very organized and patient, but he's also willing to push and encourage. I'm excited for the next one! Merci Zach

Matt (French lessons with Zach M.)

Zach is patient, adaptable, personable, quick-witted, enthusiastic and interesting. Since half my class is conversation I appreciate what he brings to the table as a teacher.

Nora (French lessons with Zach M.)

Zach is an excellent teacher! He provides both a great mix of listening, speaking and practical learning activities! I have learned so much in my classes with Zach, and he paces the class just right s

Zach H (French lessons with Zach M.)

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