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Music Lessons near Palm Bay, FL

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Music Lessons near Palm Bay

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Very pleased with Aaron's teaching style. Excited for my next lesson!

Dawn (Piano lessons with Aaron S.)

Aaron is patient, knowledgeable, and teaches pertinent to the skill level of the student. He fully considers that each student learns differently, and at varied paces. I would recommend him to anyone!

Kim (Piano lessons with Aaron S.)

We are thrilled with the piano skills my daughter has learned from Aaron. He is so patient, kind,flexible and encouraging with his students. He gets to know your student then custom designs a plan for

Renee (Piano lessons with Aaron S.)

Aaron took my information and designed a program that fits my needs. There is nothing I wanted more than that.

Rick (Piano lessons with Aaron S.)

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