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Music Lessons near Sunnyvale, CA

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Music Lessons near Sunnyvale

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

We've only had a few lessons with Jesse but my son really likes his teaching style and is always looking forward to his next lesson.

Lynn (Drums lessons with Jess M.)

Jesse is the perfect instructor for my family. We have been with Jesse for 9 months and my 11 year old son still looks forward to his lessons and practicing. We started at beginner trumpet, then add

Rhonda Bachman (Trumpet lessons with Jess M.)

I am a senior student and Jesse knew what was needed to develop a course of classwork and homework to enable me to have more fun with the melodious ukulele. I appreciate his clear, concise, and conge

Wan (Ukulele lessons with Jess M.)

Super kind, patient and teaches a lot in each session!

Dulcenea (Violin lessons with Jess M.)

Private lessons

1:1 lessons with a trusted instructor
Meet online or in person
Package options of 1, 5, 10 or 15 lessons
Free on-demand videos and articles

Group classes

Grupo reducido de alumnos, guiados por un profesor experto
Emocionantes clases interactivas en línea
Instrucción y retroalimentación en tiempo real
Videos y artículos gratuitos a pedido

Garantía de Satisfacción 100%

Pruebe las primeras lecciones (privadas o grupales) y, si no está satisfecho, le encontraremos una mejor combinación o le reembolsaremos las lecciones no utilizadas. Se aplican excepciones Aprende más
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