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Music Lessons near Huntington Beach, CA

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Music Lessons near Huntington Beach

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

I have taken lessons with Mike for over 7 years, and getting into drumming has been the best thing that has happened in my life. Mike is an excellent teacher, who truly loves to teach. You feel his jo

Derek (Drums lessons with Michael C.)

As a piano teacher, I am amazed at the progress my 16 y.o. son has made in one year of lessons with Mike. Mike definitely has a talent for reaching his students in fun and creative ways, and does a g

Becky Grove (Drums lessons with Michael C.)

Mike is one of the best drum instructors out there. I've been taking lessons with him from middle school, and he has helped me succeed to become the jazz drummer and drum captain at Marina High School

Ryan B. (Drums lessons with Michael C.)

I am 14 years old and have been taking drum lessons for about 6 years from Mr. Mike. I don’t think I can find the words to say how awesome he is! I only liked drumming when I started with Mr. Mike,

Jeannie Skidmore (Drums lessons with Michael C.)

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