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Why Learn Spanish? 10 Reasons the Language Will Change Your Life

Enero 6, 2023

Why Learn Spanish? 10 Reasons the Language Will Change Your Life

Travel is just one of the reasons why learning Spanish is a great idea

Do you want to learn a new language but are undecided on which one? Perhaps you are considering Spanish because it is the second most popular language in the world with around 470 million speakers. Or maybe you have always been interested in Hispanic culture. 

Whatever your reasons for wanting to learn Spanish, here are 10 compelling reasons that will make you want to start learning today!

What Are 6 Reasons it is Important to Learn Spanish?

So why is Spanish important to learn? Here are six key reasons to answer the question of why is it beneficial to learn Spanish:

  • For instance, if you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, being able to speak the language will make it much easier to get around and connect with people. 
  • In addition, many businesses are global nowadays, and being bilingual can give you a competitive edge when applying for jobs. 
  • Moreover, learning Spanish can help you to better understand Latino culture, both in the United States and abroad. 
  • Additionally, studies have shown that bilingualism can benefit your cognitive abilities, and that learning a second language can delay the onset of dementia. 
  • Finally, speaking Spanish can simply be enjoyable, providing you with a new way to experience the world. 

Ultimately, there are many good reasons to learn Spanish, making it an activity well worth pursuing.

Ready to uncover all the benefits of learning Spanish? With TakeLessons, we have Spanish classes to help you master every facet of the language, including what you see in the video below: 

Why Should I Learn Spanish?

Why is it important to learn Spanish?

From health benefits to more cultural awareness, learning a new language is one of the most wholesome awesome things you can do in your life and for your life. 

If you are thinking about learning a new language, I’m here to tell you why Spanish is one of the best languages to choose. Even though there are many good reasons to learn any language, today I will give you ten reasons why Spanish ranks high among the top languages to acquire. 

1. You will benefit from a bilingual brain:

If this is your first time learning a second language, then I have good news for you. Bilingualism has been linked to beneficial changes in the brain, as evident as an increase in grey matter volume. Being bilingual has shown to alter key structures in the brain related to multitasking, increase focus and attention.

The constant switch from first language to target language stimulates the brain and creates muscle memory that can benefit you in other areas of your life, such as trying to focus your attention at work while there are many distractions around you. It is also said that a bilingual brain ages differently since “a bilingual brain can compensate for brain deterioration”, says Psycholinguist Mark Antoniou in his article How a second language can boost the brain. So think of bilingualism as a long term “risk free” investment. Your brain will thank you.

2. It will open a whole new world of entertainment options:

Sure, you can watch movies with subtitles and you can just enjoy foreign music without paying attention to the lyrics. But the truth is, you are missing out! There’s a lot of nuance in TV shows and movies that subtitles cannot deliver properly. Imagine being able to understand pop culture jokes, idiomatic expressions, cultural references and how much it will enrich your life. Not to mention that it will also take your appreciation for Netflix to a whole new level. 

3. It will help you land a new job or get a promotion:

How many times have you seen the phrase “Bilingual in English/Spanish is a plus”? Even though being bilingual in Spanish is not always a job requirement, unless essential for the job, being able to add Spanish proficiency to your resume can get you ahead of others and help you land a new job. Similarly, if you already have a job, learning  Spanish can help you get that promotion you have been hoping for. 

4. It will prepare you for the future:

Spanish is spoken in over 20 countries and territories as an official language. In the US only, where Spanish is not an official language, a whooping 52 million people – 23% of the population – speaks Spanish and that number is only expected to grow. It is projected that by 2050 the US will have more Spanish speakers than Spain. So why not prepare for the future by learning the third most used language on the Internet? 

5. It will boost your confidence:

This one applies to language learning in general, but the fact that you will be able to communicate with so many people around the world, as seen above, can only give a great sense of achievement. That first time you can hold a conversation with a native speaker, the first time you can get around in a foreign country by using your target language, the first time you can be funny in another language are all satisfying milestones in your journey that will make you feel oh so proud of yourself. 

6. It will be a gateway to learning similar languages:

Learning Spanish could be to your advantage if you are planning to set out on a journey to becoming a polyglot! “Spanish functions as a gateway to the rapid acquisition of the cognate languages of French, Italian, and/or Portuguese” according to Clorinda Donato in her article Polyglots, Multilinguals, and Translanguagers: Spanish as a Gateway Language. Spanish shares its structure with other romance languages which will speed up your learning process and get you speaking in more languages in half the time. Talk about a shortcut!

7. It will make you more interesting:

From excelling at small talk at parties to impressing your friends, the ability to speak Spanish will make you more interesting to those around you (that is, more interesting that you already are, of course). Picture being introduced to a Spanish speaker at a social event and striking a casual conversation with them or having the ability to translate for a friend while you’re watching a movie or listening to a song in Spanish. It doesn’t get cooler than that.  

8. It will open up opportunities for volunteering:

From teaching ESL in Spanish speaking countries to battling social issues, knowing Spanish will allow you to give back and help others. It’s a real win win situation. An experience that can change your life and make a difference in a world. 

9. It will give you a better understanding of your own language:

As you learn Spanish grammar and vocabulary, you will come across foreign terms that may confuse you at first, only to realize that the same is true for your native language. An example of this is the subjunctive mood. Most English speakers think this doesn’t exist in their language. Except that it does! And if functions in a very similar way. Mind-blowing, I know. 

10. It will make you funnier:

Lastly, humor. Beyond the plus of understanding thousands of memes in Spanish, learning this language will introduce you to a new way of thinking and seeing the world. Spanish speakers are known for their lightheartedness and sense of humor, and being able to understand and be funny in your target language is an impressive skill to harness and a fun one! 

Why Should You Learn Spanish? You Tell Us!

These are just some of the many reasons why learning Spanish can change your life for the better. So what are you waiting for? Start learning today!

So… which of these reasons resonates the most with you. Can you think of any other reasons why Spanish has changed your life? Let us know in the comments. 

Isabel S. teaches Spanish and English as a second language. She has a master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of the Andes and has dedicated her life to teaching students from all different backgrounds and lifestyles. She’s passionate about showing the connection between culture and language by creating lessons that incorporate music, common lexicon, movies and tv shows and real samples of speech to help her students think like natives speakers. Isabel also loves dancing and spending time in nature.

Isabel Solano