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5+ Tips for Ensuring Your Class Presentation is Unforgettable

Noviembre 3, 2022

5+ Tips for Ensuring Your Class Presentation is Unforgettable

class presentation

Do you have a big class presentation or speech coming up? Learn how to make it memorable with these presentation tips from online tutor Carrie M


You’ve been asked to give a presentation in front of your class. It’s a daunting task, but don’t worry! 

No matter how great your ideas are, you won’t get far if you can’t present them effectively. Whether you’re giving a TED talk, a business presentation, or simply pitching an idea to a friend, being able to present your ideas in a clear and engaging way is essential. 

We’re here to help. Follow these presentation tips for students and workers alike and you’ll be sure to give a presentation that’s both informative and unforgettable.

What Are Some Presentation Tips?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when giving a presentation:

  • First, it’s important to be well-prepared. This means knowing your material inside and out, and having backup slides or notes in case you lose your place.
  • Be aware of your audience and adjust your presentation accordingly. If you’re presenting to a group of experts, you’ll want to be more detailed than if you’re presenting to a general audience. 
  • Practice your delivery. This means speaking slowly and clearly, using gestures and facial expressions to emphasize important points, and maintaining eye contact with your audience. 

By following these tips, you can ensure that your next presentation is a success.

Ready to hone your presentation – and find out even more tips when presenting? Be sure to sign up for public speaking lessons and check out the video below for even more tips for an oral presentation

Tips for Presenting in Person

Have you ever sold a product to an individual or large group? If you are thinking to yourself, “I don’t think so,” think again, because if you’ve ever been charged with the task of giving a presentation to a class of your peers and your teacher you have definitely sold a product! The real question is: how did you do, did you sell your classmates and your teacher on the topic you were presenting or the invention you spent hours creating? The only feedback you may have received was from your teacher with the grade you earned, and that only tells you how well you completed the to-do list of items typically required for a presentation. That being said, here are a handful of presentation tips to win over your audience and make your presentation unforgettable.

1. Tell a Story

People of all ages relate to personal stories. When you incorporate a story from your life that connects to your topic, your audience’s ability to engage and connect will increase immensely. This is one of the best presentations tips, because your audience will leave remembering the story you shared and, therefore, will remember what it was you taught or “sold” them.

2. Integrate Different Media

A medium is simply the way in which we communicate — for example, music, artwork, movies/videos, and PowerPoint. Often presenters get stuck in the rut of standing behind a podium or desk reading off a screen or notes as they present material to an audience, and this is often the reason their presentation is completely forgettable.

When you watch a movie it is rare to have the setting and tone remain the same, so why should your presentation be any different? Just as with your stories, the media you choose to incorporate should be appropriately used and should have a connection to the topic on which you are trying to present. If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation about the Southern Colonies, for example, have links within your PowerPoint to videos or photographs about the Southern Colonies (this could be how it looks now compared to then or a map showing what the landscape looked like during that time, etc.).

3. Tickle Their Funny Bone

They say laughter is the best medicine, so why not include some humor in your presentation? Your audience is sure to rank your presentation as unforgettable when you lighten the mood with a bit of laughter. Of course, you want to make sure that your jokes are appropriate to your audience and the topic. This can also be achieved through the stories you share. For example, if you’re presenting information on the effects social media has on today’s high school and/or college students, you could add “hashtag” to everything you say, and then show a YouTube clip of the skit “#Hashtag” with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake.

Word of caution: Be sure to view clips prior to showing to ensure they are appropriate for your class.

4. Provide Tasty Treats

Food plays a significant role in our lives — we need it for nourishment and sustainability, but it is also used to mark events in our lives such as birthdays, graduations, baby showers, the loss of a loved one, etc., and we use it to connect to others. So, if food is so significant why not make your presentation unforgettable with some treats or candy? For the college crowd, baked goods are an excellent item to have sitting out for your audience to partake in as they congregate before your presentation and, also, as they are listening to you present. For the high school crowd, baked goods may be unrealistic, so candy would be a better option. You can use it to get audience participation by asking a question and the person with the correct answer earns a piece of candy. If you are able to bring in cooked/baked items, it will leave a huge impression on your audience if the food chosen relates to the topic being presented. For example, if your topic is on the 13 Colonies, make some food that would have been served during that time period.

Word of caution: You may need to check in with your teacher before bringing items. Also, be mindful of allergies. Avoid anything with nuts if you are unsure of your audience. Your teacher should be able to provide you with the types of allergies within your class.

5. Know and Be Passionate About Your Topic

If you are knowledgeable and passionate about what you are presenting, your audience will leave feeling the same. No matter what medium you use, you need to make sure you know everything there is to know about the topic you’ve chosen or have been given to present. If you know your topic forward and back then your passion will increase as well, and it will in turn make your presentation unforgettable. You need to be able to present the material like a story in itself and be able to answer any questions that might be thrown your way. Nothing makes a presentation more forgettable than a presenter who has to read directly from his/her notes or PowerPoint, and who is obvious about how much they dislike the topic. Be the breath of fresh air to an audience, and wow them with your depth of knowledge.

6. Start with an attention grabber 

You only have a few minutes to capture your audience’s attention and persuade them to care about what you’re saying. So, start strong! An attention-grabbing opening could be a personal story, a shocking statistic, or a question for the audience. No matter what you choose, make sure it’s something that will get your audience’s attention and make them want to hear more.

 7. Make it relatable 

Once you have your audience’s attention, it’s important to keep it. One way to do this is by making your presentation relatable. Find ways to connect your topic to your audience’s experiences, values, and interests. If your audience can see themselves in your presentation, they’ll be more likely to pay attention and remember what you’re saying.

8. Use graphics wisely 

Graphics are a great way to break up the monotony of a long presentation and help illustrate your points. But beware—too many graphics can be distracting and even confusing. Use them sparingly and make sure they actually add something to your presentation rather than taking away from it. A few well-placed graphics can make all the difference.

9. End on a high note 

Just like you started strong, you want to end strong as well. Summarize your main points briefly and clearly, then finish with another attention grabber that will leave a lasting impression on your audience long after your presentation is over. 

Thank them for their time and let them know how they can get in touch with you if they have any questions or would like to learn more about what you do. And with that, you’re done! 

Giving an unforgettable presentation is within reach — just follow these simple tips and you’ll be well on your way.”

Online Presentation Tips

Presenting online has become the new normal. In fact, Biden’s inauguration was the most virtual event in history. Here are some virtual presentation tips to make sure your next big presentation hits it out of the park whether you’re pitching to investors or presenting to your team.

Use a Good Microphone 

This is number one when it comes to online or Zoom presentation tips for a reason. If your audience can’t hear you, they won’t be engaged. No matter how great your content is, if your listeners can’t understand you, it doesn’t matter.  There are lots of different types of microphones out there and it doesn’t have to be expensive to get a good one. Just make sure it plugs into your computer via USB and has good reviews. And if you have a budget, go for a mic that will also cancel out background noise like the Blue Yeti X. Your audience will thank you.

Get Some Headphones 

You need to be able to hear your own audio as well as your audience while you’re presenting so that you can make sure they can hear you and make any necessary adjustments on the fly. Make sure to test your audio before going live by muting yourself and seeing if there is an echo (it happens more often than you think). Also, avoid using Bluetooth headphones as they often introduce lag time between what you say and what is heard which can be frustrating for both you and your audience. 

Turn Off All Notifications 

When giving a presentation, the last thing you want is for your computer to start chiming with alerts from Slack, Outlook, or whatever else you might use for work communications. Not only is it distracting for everyone on the call, but when people see those notifications pop up on screen, they might think you’re not paying attention to them or their questions when in reality you just haven’t had a chance to get to them yet because you’re still talking! So do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and turn off notifications before going live.  

Dress the Part 

Just because you’re presenting from home doesn’t mean that you should show up in sweats or PJs (even though we know they’re tempting). First impressions matter and what you wear sends a message about how seriously you take both yourself and the presentation. It doesn’t have to be super formal but consider dressing business casual – it will help put both you and your audience in the right mindset. 

10 Tips for More Effective Powerpoint Presentations

 In today’s business world, the ability to give an effective PowerPoint presentation is essential. Whether you’re trying to land a major client or simply pitching a new idea to your boss, being able to deliver a well-crafted PowerPoint presentation can make all the difference. 

Fortunately, creating an effective PowerPoint doesn’t have to be complicated. By following a few simple tips, you can craft a presentation that is sure to engage and impress your audience. Here are 10 Powerpoint presentation tips to get you started:

1. Keep it Simple

When it comes to PowerPoint presentations, less is almost always more. Avoid packing too much information onto each slide; instead, focus on delivering one key message per slide. Remember, your goal is to reinforce your points verbally, not to provide a written transcript of your entire presentation. 

2. Make Use of Visuals

PowerPoint presentations are far more effective when they make use of visuals. In addition to standard charts and graphs, consider adding images, videos, and infographics to help illustrate your points. Just be sure not to go overboard—a few well-chosen visuals can make a big impact, but too many will only serve to clutter up your slides and confuse your audience. 

3. Stick to a Consistent Formatting Scheme

If you want your presentation to look polished and professional, it’s important to maintain a consistent formatting scheme throughout. When choosing colors and fonts, err on the side of caution— Stick with two or three complementary colors and limit yourself to one or two font types (plus some variations for headings vs. body text). Too much variety will only serve to distract from your content. 

4. Use Transitions Sparingly 

Transitions can be a great way to add visual interest to your presentation and keep your audience engaged. However, it’s important not use them too frequently— too many transitions will quickly become annoying and could even cause some people in your audience to tune out entirely. If you do decide to use transitions between slides, be sure they are purposeful and add something meaningful to the overall flow of your presentation.  

5. Limit Your Use of Animation Effects 

Like transitions, animation effects can be used sparingly to add visual interest and keep viewers engaged. Again, though, it’s important not overdo it—a few subtle animations can enhance your presentation, but too many will only serve as a distraction from your content.  

6. Keep Your Slide Deck Short 

In general, shorter presentations are more effective than long ones—after all, audiences have short attention spans! To keep yours from dragging on (and risking losing people’s interest), limit yourself to 10-12 slides total—and try not include any more information than absolutely necessary on each individual slide.  

7. Practice Your Presentation Ahead of Time

Once you’ve put together all the pieces of your presentation, it’s important that you take some time to practice beforehand so that you can delivery your talk with confidence on the big day. If possible, try recording yourself giving the entire presentation from start to finish so that you can identify any areas that need improvement before it’s time for the real thing 

8. Arrive Prepared 

Be sure to arrive early on the day of your presentation so that you have time set up everything ahead of time and ensure that everything is working as it should be.

9. Have Backup Plans in Place

It’s essential to have backups saved of everything in case there are any technical difficulties!

10. Be Confident Throughout

Remember—you know your stuff! So try not to let nerves get the best of you – and while giving your presentation itself act accordingly.

Dealing With Presentation Anxiety Tips

For many people, the thought of giving a presentation is enough to send them into a full-blown panic attack. The good news is that you’re not alone. In fact, studies have shown that up to 75% of people experience some form of anxiety when speaking in public. 

While it’s normal to feel some nerves before a big presentation, there are things you can do to manage your anxiety and increase your chances of success. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to overcome your presentation anxiety so you can deliver a knock-out presentation.

1. Understand Your Anxiety 

The first step in overcoming your anxiety is to understand what is causing it. Are you worried about the material you’re presenting? Are you worried about forgetting what you want to say? Or are you worried about how you’ll be perceived by your audience? Once you know what is causing your anxiety, you can start to develop a plan for dealing with it. 

2. Develop a Game Plan 

Once you know what is causing your anxiety, it’s time to develop a game plan for dealing with it. If you’re worried about the material, take some time to review it and make sure you understand it inside and out. If you’re worried about forgetting what you want to say, prepare some notes or an outline that you can refer to during your presentation. And if you’re worried about how you’ll be perceived by your audience, remind yourself that they’re human too and that everyone experiences nervousness from time to time. 

3. Practice, Practice, Practice 

One of the best ways to overcome your anxiety is to practice your presentation until you have it down pat. The more prepared you are, the less anxious you’ll be when it comes time to deliver your presentation. So find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted, set a timer, and start practicing! 

4. Take Some Time to Relax 

Before giving your presentation, take some time to relax and center yourself. This can be done by taking some deep breaths, listening to calming music, or doing some light stretching exercises. By taking a few minutes to relax before getting up in front of your audience, you’ll help ease your anxiety and give yourself the best chance for success. 

These Good Presenter Tips Will Help You Succeed in a Presentation of Any Kind!

Presentations don’t have to be painful! By following these five easy tips, you can give a presentation that’s both informative and unforgettable.”

And if you’re still stuck? Sign up for public speaking lessons! You’ll learn all the presentation tips you need to know to build your confidence and reduce your presentation anxiety. 

May these tips be your jumping off point to the most unforgettable presentation of your academic career. Good luck!

CarrieMCarrie M. tutors in a variety of subjects online. She earned her BA in Elementary Education as well as Exceptional Student Education (special ed.) from Flagler College in St. Augustine, FL. Learn more about Carrie here!



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Suzy S.