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College Admissions Tips 101: 9 Things That Give You an Edge

Junio 27, 2023

College Admissions Tips 101: 9 Things That Give You an Edge

Are you starting to think about your dream college or university? Getting to college isn’t just about perfect grades. Check out these nine tips from online tutor Natalie S. to stand out from the crowd…

College admissions are becoming increasingly competitive with more and more students vying for a spot at top universities. It can be daunting to try and make yourself stand out in the sea of applicants, but there are simple steps you can take to give yourself an edge. 

Here are some college admission tips that can help you nail the process!

What Looks Good on College Admissions?

Here are a few admission tips for college that you should be aware of: 

  • One thing that looks great on college admissions applications is a well-rounded student. This includes excelling in the standard school subjects like English, math and science, but also having interests outside of these curricular areas. 
  • Colleges look for applicants who participated in meaningful extracurricular activities, community service events, or sports teams; this is evidence of your ability to prioritize and successfully navigate multiple tasks. 
  • Additionally, if you had part-time work outside of school duties during high school, this reflects well on your resume since you’re demonstrating time management skills and financial responsibility as an adult. 
  • A strong personal statement can also enhance your application. Writing an essay which expresses your individual style and lets admissions counselors get to know more about you can really make you stand out from hundreds of other applicants. 

With these tips in mind, take a thoughtful approach when creating your college admissions application because colleges want students who demonstrate curiosity, intelligence, and overall preparedness for tackling academic challenges at their institution.

Ready to ace the college application? Be sure to sign up for tutoring to make sure your grades are up to snuff and check out the video below for even more helpful college admissions tips: 

How Do You Stand Out in College Admissions?

Applying to college can sometimes be a daunting and scary process. There are so many things to consider when choosing the right schools, and on top of that there’s four years of prep work to do in order to even begin applying!

We know what colleges look for in prospective students, and we can help you stand out among all of the other applicants.

Check out the nine things below that can give you an edge and help you get accepted into the college of your choice:

1) Strong GPA

Since universities thrive on academic excellence, make sure you keep your GPA in tip-top shape. Try to consistently close each quarter with As and Bs in all of your subjects. Colleges expect that you will be stronger in some subjects over others, however, it’s important to try to keep your overall GPA above a 3.5. Seek out help from a tutor if you need additional assistance in a particular subject. Sometimes, it’s easy to get sucked into taking the higher-level courses, but in the end, if they end up being too advanced, you may get lower grades. While it looks great on paper to participate in honors and AP courses, it’s not worth the risk if they consistently lower your overall GPA.

2) Charity Work

Get involved in your local community and give back to those in need. Are you an animal lover? Volunteer at an animal shelter. Love to read? Help out at your local library. By partaking in charity work, you show colleges that you are committed to bettering the world for the future and that you’ll be an asset to their campus life.

3) Leadership Skills

Whether you serve as student body president or a team captain, colleges love to see their prospective students act as leaders in their communities. Find an extracurricular activity or cause that you are passionate about and get involved in organizing and leading others. What was once a simple hobby could become your ticket into college!

4) Good SAT/ACT scores

Twenty years ago, your SAT score was the only major test score that universities looked at when they selected students. Now, students have the chance to shine in other exams too. Take the SAT and the ACT, and submit both scores to colleges. Even better, take the SAT and ACT more than once. Many schools superscore (i.e. take your highest score in each section of the SAT and add them together to find a new, giant score), so taking the SAT and ACT multiple times could increase your overall score. If you need help preparing for either test, don’t forget to seek out a tutor. There are all kinds of programs and many qualified tutors who specialize in helping students on these types of exams.

5) In Fact, Take ALL of the Tests

The College Board also offers SAT 2 subject tests that allow students to shine in their favorite subjects. Take these tests to show colleges that you’re passionate enough about math to voluntarily go above and beyond and test yourself on it.

6) School Spirit

Get involved with your high school! Colleges want students who are passionate about the school that they attend and who will participate in campus activities. Prove this by joining school clubs, teams, or charity organizations that fit your interests.

7) Musical, Bilingual, and Artistic Involvement

The fine and performing arts have begun carrying more weight for getting into college. Show your diversity by playing an instrument, learning another language, or letting your artistic side shine. These are talents that can help you stand out from other applicants.

8) Passion and Personality

Most importantly, make sure all of the activities you’re involved in give you the ability to express your passion and personality. Pursue things that make you feel positive and productive. Avoid engaging in activities that don’t really excite or interest you because you will generally not excel at them, and they will not end up being a benefit to you when applying to colleges.

9) Progression

Did you get a C in Spanish? Worried this will ruin your perfect GPA? Don’t fret; universities know that students have to progress in their problem areas. A bad grade isn’t a death sentence; it’s an opportunity to show universities that you’re willing to fight for your success. And, of course, don’t forget to find a tutor if you need help with a problem subject!

College Admissions Interview Tips

Need an interview? Here are some admission tips for college interviews.

Do Your Research 

Before you even walk into the room for your interview, you should already know about the school or program you’re applying to. Spend some time reading up on their history, mission statement, current studies, or any other relevant information. This will not only make sure that you’re prepared for questions regarding the school itself, but it will also give you an opportunity to showcase your knowledge of their programs and goals. 

It is also important that you are familiar with the requirements for admission—including GPA, test scores, essay topics, etc.—so that you can show that you are well-informed about the application process. 

Dress Appropriately 

It might sound obvious, but dress for success! Make sure that whatever outfit you choose is professional and appropriate for the occasion. If there are any particular dress codes associated with the school or program—such as uniforms or lab coats—make sure to pay attention so that your attire reflects this. You want to make a good impression right away when they see you enter the room! 

Be Engaging & Confident 

Having confidence in yourself will go a long way in helping establish rapport with your interviewer(s). When answering questions during your interview, speak clearly and concisely while maintaining eye contact with them throughout. 

Don’t be afraid to ask questions if something isn’t clear—they may even appreciate your curiosity more than anything else! Most importantly though, try not to appear too rehearsed; have a genuine conversation with them instead of simply reciting facts back at them like a robot!  

College Admission Essay Tips

Ah, the dreaded essay. If you’re nervous about the written portion of your application package, here are some college essay tips from admission counselors to consider.

Give Yourself Enough Time  

Writing a compelling college admission essay takes time—lots of it. To ensure that your essay stands out from the competition, give yourself plenty of time to write and revise. Start by brainstorming potential topics in advance. 

Once you have narrowed down your topic selection, begin researching relevant information and writing an outline. This will make the actual drafting process much smoother and more enjoyable. Additionally, don’t forget to proofread your work multiple times before submitting it! You want to make sure your essay is free from typos and grammatical errors that could detract from your message. 

Understand Your Audience  

Different colleges may require different types of essays or even different lengths for those essays; therefore, it’s important to understand who will be reading your work before you start writing. Do some research about what type of information interests them so that you can craft an essay tailored specifically for them. 

Also think about how you can demonstrate why this particular school would be a great fit for you—why do they have something unique or special that other schools don’t offer? Answering these questions helps shape the content and tone of your essay in a way that resonates with admissions officers.  

Share Your Story Authentically    

Above all else, admissions officers are looking for authenticity in your story—they want to know who YOU are as an individual. Don’t just regurgitate facts or accomplishments they already know; instead focus on sharing stories and experiences in which you’ve grown as a person or learned something valuable about yourself or others. 

A reflective approach often yields the most meaningful results because it shows admissions officers how capable you are at self-reflection, introspection, and insight into situations both past and present—all qualities desirable in any student!

What 3 Things Do Colleges Look For?

When it comes to college admissions, there are three things that colleges look for in a student. 

First, they want to see evidence of a student’s intellectual ability, preferably demonstrated through strong academic achievements. Along with this, colleges are interested in seeing that the student has actively contributed to their community, either through leadership positions or service activities. 

Finally, colleges attempt to discern whether the student is a good fit for their institution by looking at essays and letters of recommendation from teachers and mentors. These three attributes serve as the main criteria used by universities when considering applicants for admission.

Don’t be afraid to ask your teachers or tutors for help, either.

Getting into college may seem like a scary process, but once you break it down into manageable steps, it can be an exciting journey that ends with you at the college of your choice. Good luck!

Natalie S.Natalie S. tutors online in English, ESL, History, Phonics, Reading, and Test Prep. She received her BA in English Education at the University of Delaware, and her MA in English Literature at San Diego State University. Learn more about Natalie here!



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Photo by Bill Selak

Megan L. is a writer and musician living in San Diego. She loves supporting independent artists and learning more about music every day. Megan has been working for TakeLessons since November 2011. Google+

Megan L.