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Guitar articles & Resources

Guitar resources, articles and tips for beginner and beyond

How to Play Bass: The Complete Beginner’s Guide | TakeLessons

grandriver / E+ / Getty Images It may not always be center stage, but the bass is arguably the most important instrument on the bandstand. The bass guitar serves as the glue that holds all of the other instruments together, and a solid bass line can make all the difference between a hit song and an average one. If you want to learn how to play bass,  it won’t be long until you can hold down a steady groove and unlock a world of musical collaboration.  But as any good musician will tel

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28 Easy Metal Songs on Guitar: Rock & Heavy Metal for Beginners

Alex Potemkin / E+ / Getty Images Looking for easy metal songs on guitar? If you’re ready to start laying down some heavy riffs, keep reading. In this article we’ll share some easy metal songs on guitar that even beginners can learn to play. You may not be a Randy Rhoads or a Zak Wylde yet, but if you have something to say then there’s plenty of room on the Ozzfest stage! Let’s start with the top seven easy rock guitar songs. What Are Some Easy Metal Songs to Play on Guitar?

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Bass Guitar Strings, Notes, and Chords

Taiyou Nomachi / DigitalVision / Getty Images How many strings does a bass guitar have? What are the string names on a bass guitar? What kinds of notes do they produce, and how do you play chords? If you're new to playing the bass, these are all questions you might find yourself asking - and for good reason.  After all, one of the most important instruments in any Rock’n’Roll band is the powerful bass guitar. These 4 stringed guitars are the instruments of choice for artists such

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56 Easy Acoustic Guitar Songs Everyone Should Know

Bob Sacha / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images Learning how to play acoustic guitar songs can be fun and rewarding. There are a variety of easy

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DIY: Homemade Capo Tutorial in 4 Easy Steps [Video]

Cavan Images / Cavan / Getty Images If you want to learn how to make your very own homemade capo from scratch, keep reading. In this article, we’ll share four simple steps to put together a DIY capo on the fly - with just two materials! When you’re jamming with friends and there’s a new vocalist in the mix, you might find yourself having to play in unfamiliar keys. If you left your trusty capo at home, no problem! Follow this easy guide and you’ll learn how to make a capo in no t

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Top 50 Intermediate Guitar Songs to Learn

martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images If you’ve been playing the guitar for a while, you’re probably ready to take on more intermediate material. Enter - intermediate guitar songs.  The topic of intermediate electric and acoustic guitar songs and solos is a tricky one, because it means different things to different people. Some players learn certain techniques faster than others, and what is advanced to some is intermediate to others. In general terms, an intermediate guitar player will be c

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The 10 Best Guitar Soloists of All Time | Solos and Guitar Tricks

Henrik Sorensen/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images In the world of music, there are many different types of genres and styles.  But one genre that seems to stand out from the rest is rock 'n' roll. Within this genre, one of the most popular styles is electric guitar solos. And within electric guitar solos, some of the greatest soloists of all time have emerged.  So, without further ado, here are the 10 best guitar soloists of all time. Who is the Best Guitar Soloist Ever? While there

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The Ten Best Tips and Tricks for Learning Guitar Chords

Ready to learn guitar chords? Guitar teacher Joe H. shares his secrets to mastering guitar chords... If you are a beginner guitar player, learning guitar chords is essential. But don't worry, it's not hard to learn the basics and once you do, you'll be able to play all sorts of tunes.  In this post, we will give you some tips on how to get started with chords guitar playing. So read on and get started today! What Guitar Chords Should I Learn First? Although learning guitar chords

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60+ Best Inspiring Quotes from Famous Guitarists | TakeLessons

Oscar Sánchez Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images They are great and successful. These musicans have been called geniuses, and their music still inspires hundreds of young musicians today. They prove that becoming a legendary musician takes determination, passion, and drive, along with sheer talent. Their contribution to music can’t be counted, and today we share their words with musicians who dream of greatness, and try to reveal the secrets of these wonderful people’s success

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How To Tune a Guitar: Easy Beginner's Guide | Take Lessons

Holloway / Stone / Getty Images What’s the first thing you should do every time you pick up a guitar? Resist the urge to shred for a moment, and make sure you’re in tune. It only takes a few minutes, but it can do wonders for the sound of your instrument.  If you’re just beginning to play the guitar, an out-of-tune instrument can be incredibly frustrating and make every note sound like a mistake. It can also make learning more difficult because you won’t be able to recognize whethe

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