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Language Lessons near Glendale, AZ

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Language Lessons near Glendale

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

We could not be happier with the lessons, preparation and structure. Our child enjoys the study and is enthused. The ease with which virtual sessions and textbooks are integrated is refreshing and ali

Tyler (English (ESL) lessons with Guifang X.)

Guifang really goes above and beyond. I especially like the extra videos she makes with the dog and look forward to seeing more of those.

Alex (Mandarin Chinese lessons with Guifang X.)

Guifang is friendly, patient, knowledgeable, and supportive. As a teacher myself, I'm very critical of other teachers, but she far exceeds my high expectations.

Nick (Mandarin Chinese lessons with Guifang X.)

Always an amazing experience for my daughter to improve her Chinese!

Scott (English (ESL) lessons with Guifang X.)

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