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Music Lessons near Everett, WA

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Music Lessons near Everett

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Jared is very good at explaining concepts in a way that's easy to understand. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a teacher

Martin Tyler (Guitar lessons with Jared G.)

I've had 5 lessons with Jared so far and had to get more! I have been learning a lot while also having fun!

Daniel (Guitar lessons with Jared G.)

Jared is my 3rd guitar teacher and one of the best. Not only is he an awesome guitar player, but with his background as a rock and jazz performer and his music education, he goes beyond just playing t

Tina (Guitar lessons with Jared G.)

So far, Ben has been very patient with my two children, aged 6 and 8 years. He's punctual and answers all our questions.

Lucas Caltagirone (Piano lessons with Ben G.)

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