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Music Lessons near Round Rock, TX

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Music Lessons near Round Rock

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Barrett is clear and concise. You learn alot of fun and interesting music performance facts while learning songs.

Janel (Guitar lessons with William S.)

William S. clearly has alot of experience building software and software teams. I have many of the same problems he had. Learning how he solved them through good programming practices (Code Smells, Re

Omalley (Guitar lessons with William S.)

William's a great, nice, knowledgeable teacher. I had a cool guitar class with him where he taught some helpful music theory and tips to take my guitar playing to the next level to make it more music

Amy (Guitar lessons with William S.)

Mrs. Sue is a very patient and fun teacher. She makes sure her students learn the basics of music in a simple way.

Don Dye (Piano lessons with Sue D.)

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