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Music Lessons near North Hollywood, CA

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Music Lessons near North Hollywood

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

As soon as I realized that my daughter (now 12) had a “voice”, I searched for an instructor. My first choice was a fail. The woman didn’t listen to her and the lessons became boring and robotic. My

Frederick (Classical Voice lessons with Elise W.)

Elise was a huge help teaching musical theatre techniques to our musical students. She helped with the actual singing as well as facial expression and movement. This was a huge help to our performers!

Adele (Musical Theater lessons with Elise W.)

Erin was such a wonderful instructor helping me expand my vocal range to my higher register and giving me proper tips on breathing and vocal control. She provided warmup exercises to keep my voice loo

Meljon S. (Singing lessons with Erin E.)

Erin is a phenomenal talent who has a gift of illuminating any room with her humbling presence and incredible voice! She has all the fundamentals, down to an art, to help any beginning singer. She als

Kelsey (Singing lessons with Erin E.)

Private lessons

1:1 lessons with a trusted instructor
Meet online or in person
Package options of 1, 5, 10 or 15 lessons
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Group classes

Small group of students, guided by an expert teacher
Exciting online interactive classes
Real-time instruction and feedback
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