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Here, you'll find a variety of helpful resources to turn to when learning something new - from comprehensive guides to step-by-step tutorials.

The 10 Best Guitar Soloists of All Time | Solos and Guitar Tricks

Henrik Sorensen/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images In the world of music, there are many different types of genres and styles.  But one genre that seems to stand out from the rest is rock 'n' roll. Within this genre, one of the most popular styles is electric guitar solos. And within electric guitar solos, some of the greatest soloists of all time have emerged.  So, without further ado, here are the 10 best guitar soloists of all time. Who is the Best Guitar Soloist Ever? While there

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Provider Updates.

Welcome to your Provider Updates! Get ready for a thrilling ride with! Join us for our Provider Updates extravaganza, where we bring you the latest and greatest changes to our site. Through fun video presentations, we'll keep you in the loop and make your experience even more amazing! Here's what to expect: New features that will take your teaching journey to the next level. Exciting site promotions and special offers. Supercharged profile enhancements to stand ou

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7+ Common Piano Chord Progressions for Every Musician

Piano chord progressions offer a view of music from a whole new perspective. Once you know some common variants, you’ll be able to create your own music, learn and sight-read written music more quickly, and have a greater understanding of music in general. 12 bar blues progression I  -  I -  I - I - IV - IV - I - I - V - V - I - I C - C - C - C - F - F - C - C - G - G - C - C  “Cadential” chord progression ii - V - I  Dmin - G - C Songwriting & all-purpose I

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The Benefits of Working with an Online History Tutor

alashi / DigitalVision Vectors / Getty Images Are you struggling to keep up with your history studies? Do you find yourself getting lost in the timeline of events? Learning history can be overwhelming, and it can be difficult to make sense of it all. That’s why working with a history tutor can be a great way to unlock the secrets of the past and gain a better understanding of the subject.   It’s no secret that tutors are a great resource to supplement learning. Whether you’re look

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The Ten Best Tips and Tricks for Learning Guitar Chords

Ready to learn guitar chords? Guitar teacher Joe H. shares his secrets to mastering guitar chords... If you are a beginner guitar player, learning guitar chords is essential. But don't worry, it's not hard to learn the basics and once you do, you'll be able to play all sorts of tunes.  In this post, we will give you some tips on how to get started with chords guitar playing. So read on and get started today! What Guitar Chords Should I Learn First? Although learning guitar chords

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150+ Best Karaoke Songs of All Time | Take Lessons

Karaoke night is here! To some, it’s a fun excuse to get together with friends. To others, it’s their chance at superstardom. Whatever karaoke means to you, it’s worth putting a little research into which fun karaoke songs to sing are best suited for your stint on stage. Not only is karaoke a great way to socialize, but it’s also a legitimate way to practice performing, especially if you’re a beginner singer. Practicing along to karaoke songs with lyrics is a great way to improve yo

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The Ultimate Guide to the AP Japanese Exam

Bento Fotography / Moment / Getty Images With its intense level of difficulty, many students are left wondering if it’s worth taking the AP Japanese exam and how to prepare for it.  If you’re one of those bright students interested in studying the Japanese language and culture, there is no better way to demonstrate your mastery than taking the AP Japanese Language and Culture (AP Japanese) exam.   In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the taking the ex

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This Method Will Change the Way You Do Math Forever

Aja Koska / E+ / Getty Images “Math is hard.” If you could get paid for every time you’ve heard this, you would probably be rich right now. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.   Have you ever heard of the SOAP method? It’s a great way of solving the hardest math problems with ease.   Let’s keep reading to learn more about the SOAP math method and how it can help you right now.   How to Do Soap Formula Math?  (insert image)  The SOAP formula i

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Is Cello Hard to Learn? Read THIS Before Taking Lessons

Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images Many beginning musicians wonder, “Is cello hard to learn?” The process of learning the cello is not difficult, but it’s important to keep in mind that the cello is not an instrument of instant gratification. It does require focused, daily practice time and a good teacher to guide you along the way. How far you progress with cello is a direct result of the amount of quality time you put into practicing the instrument. Even someone who puts

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The Benefits of Middle School Tutoring: Helping Students Succeed

damircudic / E+ / Getty Images When it comes to ensuring that your child is on the path to success, there is no better time to start than in middle school.   As your child transitions from elementary school to middle school, they face more difficult classes, more competitive classmates, and a greater need for academic support.   Tutors for middle school students can not only help provide the extra support your child needs to thrive in their studies, but it can also help them develo

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