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Private lessons with top Music Recording instructors near Saint Augustine, FL

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Music Recording
Music Recording
Damien S.

I am a working, music composer and educator. I have been teaching and writing/performing professional scores for over 20 years. In regards to teaching, I teach privately and in a classroom atmosphere. My youngest student is 4 and my oldest has been in their 70 ’s. I approach my teaching style in a way that my students get a round, music education; but also have fun with it. Music as a whole involves many different areas of education (math, logic, language, physics, science, creativity). I believe students of music need to be given this education. Playing well is one thing, playing well and knowing what you are doing will make you rounded as a musician. As a professional composer and performer; this gives me the opportunity to teach students in areas of live performance and writing music for various mediums, in and outside of basic song writing. I have been writing scores and performing live for over 30 years. I believe this would be another great asset in helping students realize theirs’ and others’ music in the real world. As a St. Augustine based composer and guitarist Damien has made a name for himself as a writer of scores for film, theater and dance productions. A graduate of Music Composition at SUNY Purchase (New York) and Musicology at the University College of Dublin (Ireland). Years of touring internationally and score writing has given Damien the experience and work ethic to share his musical knowledge and abilities with others. Producing 4 cds and appearing on countless others' cds and compilations; Damien can share not only his musical/theoretical talents, but his experience in producing, recording, writing, and performing live. *** Lesson Details *** Damien is a very patient and moderately, laid back teacher. He will teach what you want to learn, yet give you suggestions on other avenues to approach. Basics lead to complete knowledge of any subject. Starting from the beginning of what a student knows and moving forward step by step will only lead to perfection in their lessons. Having fun doing this, is the only way to keep a student focused and progressing. Enjoyment is the number one focus of Damien's lessons. If a student isn't enjoying and having fun with their lessons then they will not progress. Damien teaches ages of 5-99. You are never too young or old to learn. Damien's main focus is guitar and music theory *** Travel Equipment *** I would expect the student to provide their own guitar (if necessary) and a notebook I have private parking for my students, so they don't have to worry about parking, ever ! *** Specialties *** I have been taught, on a college level, of classical, jazz, ethnic musics. I specialize in guitar, theory, composition.

Private Lessons
Saint Augustine, FL
Music Recording
Music Recording
Music Recording
Music Recording

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This spring semester started off very stressful, but after getting James to tutor me for my music business class it have been a big relief. My grades started going back up and the biggest accomplishme

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This spring semester started off very stressful, but after getting James to tutor me for my music business class it have been a big relief. My grades started going back up and the biggest accomplishme

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Enjoyed working with you, Jarod!

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