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Music Lessons near Vienna, VA

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Music Lessons near Vienna

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Mr. B is awesome. He taught my accordion which was one of my lifetime goals because it is a beautiful instrument. He even taught me in my own home. How convenient is that! Due to all his knowledge and

Jake (Accordion lessons with Mr. B S.)

Mr. B is so smart in music. I learned flamenco guitar with him and know I can play flamenco guitar with my band. I recommend him.

Andy (Flamenco Guitar lessons with Mr. B S.)

I recommend Mr. B to anyone who would like to learn music. He teaches multiple instruments which makes him that good. He taught me Tabla which is an Arabic drum that J have always wanted to learn and

Peter (Tabla lessons with Mr. B S.)

Patient and kind. Mr. B has been teaching our son play the saxophone. He is energetic so he makes learning fun. Our son has said that Mr. B explains things well for him to understand.

Catherine (Saxophone lessons with Mr. B S.)

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