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Music Lessons near Newport News, VA

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Music Lessons near Newport News

With multiple ways to learn, find something that suits your time, your level, and your budget.

Super patient, available and clear teacher. I very much appreciated his flexibility and ability to hone the lesson contents (theory and practice) to match my skill and relative progress. His enthus

Blaise (Guitar lessons with Peter A.)

I’ve been playing 20yrs+ and immediately noticed improvement after starting lessons with Peter. He’s extremely knowledgeable, patient, and friendly. Can’t recommend enough.

Steven (Guitar lessons with Peter A.)

I really can't say enough about Peter's skill as a teacher. Every other teacher I've had did some version of "what song do you want to learn" or "play the exercises in this book". Not Peter. He tak

Jon B. (Guitar lessons with Peter A.)

Peter is an incredible teacher who really met me at my level based on my musical interests. Time with him is well spent and I will be back for more! Thanks, Peter!

Aaron (Guitar lessons with Peter A.)

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