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Private lessons with top Piano instructors near Atlanta, GA

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Exellent Teacher. Helped me learn the basics of piano very quickly.

Jordan (Piano lessons with Buzz A.)

I highly recommend him!

Tracy Wimbush (Piano lessons with Buzz A.)

Wey pleasant nice teacher. Pointed out things I can improve, weaknesses and goals. Very interesting approach to teaching compared to my previous teachers.

Corazon (Piano lessons with Buzz A.)

He is willing to listen to you and gear your instruction to how and what type of music you are interested in while providing a strong musical foundation. I am very satisfied.

Beverly Jones (Piano lessons with Buzz A.)

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Piano Lessons in Atlanta, GA

Atlanta has long been a focal point for major players in the music business. In rock, The Black Crowes, Collective Soul and John Mayer all developed their talent here, as well as R&B artists Usher, Ludacris, Babyface, Toni Braxton and TLC. In nearby Athens, REM and the B-52s emerged in the late 70s.

If you’re interested in learning music, the piano is a great option for beginners. Most people find their initial music enthusiasm after playing the ivory keys and learning about intervals, scales and melody. There are few instruments that give a finer sense of the architecture of musical structure and composition than the piano. It is the instrument of choice for several different music styles, including classical, jazz and even rock.

In order to really improve your skills, however, private piano lessons are necessary. TakeLessons can help you or your child find the perfect instructor and enhance your musical appreciation. All of our teachers complete an extensive interview process and background check to ensure you have the best opportunity to learn in a safe environment.

To find a teacher near you, our handy search tool helps you filter out instructors based on subjects taught and feedback received, or you can give us a call at 800-252-1508! So what are you waiting for? Get started and book your lessons today!

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