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Learn Arrangement and Composition your way with a TakeLessons expert

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Private lessons with top Arrangement and Composition instructors near Euless, TX

Dive right in and start getting results with 1-on-1 lessons from expert Arrangement and Composition instructors.
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Cindy H.

Cindy H.

Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Natasha B.

Natasha B.


Learn how to arrange your favorite songs

Private Lessons
Lewisville, TX
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Joshua A.

Joshua A.

Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
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Had an excellent initial discussion with my instructor, Edwin, today. It was big picture but at the same time Edwin’s comments & suggestions gave me confidence in his command of the art (engineering,

David (Arrangement and Composition lessons with Edwin I.)

David is a highly skilled multi-instrumentalist and producer. I was introduced when he recorded an EP for my band and since then, we've spent many an evening talking about performing, recording, teach

Christian J. (Arrangement and Composition lessons with David D.)

I am learning musical arrangement and composition and I feel very lucky to have found Yoon Jae Lee. During the first lesson I had with him, he said one simple thing that forever changed the way I view

Lani (Arrangement and Composition lessons with Yoon Jae L.)

Vince has enlightened me to many new pathways when approaching music composition. Many concepts he has shown me have translated right into new tunes! Highly Recommend!

Joe H. (Arrangement and Composition lessons with Vince T.)

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Arrangement and Composition
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Andres V.

As (Stevie Wonder) Arrnagement
Arrangement and Composition
Arrangement and Composition
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Andrew S.

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Nick R.

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Arrangement and Composition
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Arrangement and Composition
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Arrangement and Composition
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Arrangement and Composition
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Arrangement and Composition
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Arrangement and Composition

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