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Fashion Design Lessons in Wicker Park, IL. Amazing Teachers.

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Private lessons with top Fashion Design instructors near Chicago, IL

Dive right in and start getting results with 1-on-1 lessons from expert Fashion Design instructors.
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Fashion Design
Fashion Design
Fashion Design
Fashion Design
Fashion Design
Tara L.

Tara L.

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I loved this lesson with Silvia. As an experienced fashion designer she could introduce me into certain steps that are required to produce my own clothes. This was very interesting and helpful. Thx a

Manuela (Fashion Design lessons with Sylvia L.)

Sylvia was an excellent teacher. She was forthcoming and shared any resources that she had and explained the topics spoken about very well. She has experience with producing garments and can teach the

LF (Fashion Design lessons with Sylvia L.)

Very nice I learned so much

Sadaf (Fashion Design lessons with Michael Z.)

Michael is amazingly patient, kind, and very talented. I am so grateful to have found him, and I am so happy that onoine classes have been even more effective than in person classes!

Megan (Fashion Design lessons with Michael Z.)

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