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Learn Dutch your way with a TakeLessons expert

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Private lessons with top Dutch instructors

Dive right in and start getting results with 1-on-1 lessons from expert Dutch instructors.
Aron H.

Aron H.

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When I had my exams for Biology en English, Aron helped me to prepair as good as possible. I passed my exams with a lot of help! I would totally recommend him as teacher, because he has patience, know

Kim (Dutch lessons with Aron H.)

Great teacher, very kind and good at explaining!

Mohammed (Dutch lessons with Aron H.)

Talks about sports a lot. I Learn a whole bunch of things very lesson

Jordy (Dutch lessons with Aron H.)

Aron is structured and clear. I am really enjoying the lessons and learning a lot.

Ian (Dutch lessons with Aron H.)

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Dutch Student Testimonial

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Dutch Lessons

The third-most spoken Germanic language behind English and German is Dutch. As the official language of the Netherlands and a vast majority of Belgium, it’s the native language of over 25 million people, with an additional 5 million secondary speakers worldwide.

If you’ve wanted to travel Western Europe, visit the Netherlands to catch World Cup action, or visit historical sites like the Hague, home to NATO and the EU, then taking Dutch lessons at TakeLessons would come in handy and enhance your visit. We have in-person and online Dutch lessons to support your goals.

Regardless of your reason, learning Dutch improves memory and concentration and is fun! Sign up to start your educational journey today.

Certified Dutch Lessons Teachers

Learning a language, either as a native speaker or as a secondary learner, can be challenging to do independently. The quality of education is directly tied to the quality of instruction, which is why at TakeLessons, we only have the best Dutch lessons teachers in the business.

We carefully screen all of our candidates to guarantee we’re hiring the best experts to teach our courses. And once you’re ready to get started, we make signing up easy to do. Simply scroll through our catalog of Dutch teachers, read over previous student reviews and find the right match for your needs.

Next, meet with your teacher to discuss your course objectives and cost, agree to terms, and get started. The average price of online Dutch lessons is about $53 per hour of private, customized instruction. Whether you’re looking for Dutch lessons for kids or adults, at TakeLessons, we make it easy to learn.

Dutch Online Lessons for All Ages

If you just retired and want to travel but think you’re too old to learn a language, guess again. Whether you’re looking for a language class for your child or you’re an adult, it’s never too early or too late to learn Dutch.

Once you select a teacher, they will design a class that is ideal for your age and your interests. Our individual learning style has been proven to help students grasp and master their class work in less time than in traditional classroom settings.

See why over 2 million monthly users rely on TakeLessons for online Dutch lessons and other subjects available by signing up today!

Dutch Lessons for All Levels

Language can be tricky at all levels. Whether you’re a native speaker looking to master the grammar to someone that has never taken a language course before, TakeLessons will design a perfect curriculum to match your learning objectives.

Dutch lessons for beginners will focus on the rudiments of the language, while advanced classes will be customized to enhance and strengthen those students' mastery of Dutch.

No matter your skill level, the customization of our courses means all of our classes are designed to accelerate each individual student's mastery of the language.

Dutch Lessons Curriculum

Catering to each student’s learning objectives allows for a lot of flexibility in our course curriculum. Depending on your specific needs, there will be different points of emphasis at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Sample Curriculum for Beginner Dutch Lessons

For first-time language learners, or novice Dutch speakers, beginner-level Dutch lessons is the place to start.

In the beginner Dutch lessons, your curriculum will include:

  • Basic vocabulary
  • Rudimentary sentence structure such as noun-verb agreement
  • Essential vocabulary
  • How to form a question
  • Verb conjugations

Sample Curriculum for Intermediate Dutch Lessons

For speakers with a grasp of Dutch vocabulary and grammar looking to expand and grow their understanding of the language, intermediate Dutch lessons is the program for you.

A sample curriculum for intermediate Dutch lessons may include:

  • Pronunciation
  • Understanding accent and dialect differences
  • Reading, writing, and speaking comprehension
  • Intermediate verb conjugation; future tense, subjective, and more

Sample Curriculum for Advanced Dutch Lessons

For native speakers and expert Dutch learners, the advanced-level is your place to start. Your Dutch teacher will discuss with you the specific objectives you may need for your course, and each class will have a different curriculum.

A sample of things you may learn in your advanced Dutch lessons;

  • Immersive learning
  • Master Dutch grammar
  • Advanced comprehension of reading, writing, and speaking
  • History of the Netherlands as a monarchy and country
  • Learning the arts and culture of the area

Sign up Today

Learning a language doesn’t have to be overly complicated, and the TakeLessons programs are customizable to assist our students in achieving their learning goals in less time.

Interested in how to begin taking Dutch lessons?

We make signing up simple. Browse our list of teachers to find the perfect match for your needs, agree on a budget, and get started. What’s more, our classes come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with your class for any reason, we’ll refund your account’s remaining balance.

Ready to get started? Sign up today!

Is Dutch hard to learn?

No, for English speakers, Dutch is considered one of the more accessible languages to learn. It positions itself between English and German, with many words having similar roots and meanings. The one problematic area is that there are over 200 irregular verb forms in the Dutch language, which is why having a personalized tutor to guide you is recommended.

Is Dutch worthwhile to learn?

Yes, learning a second language, especially one anchored between English and German, will give you a lot of flexibility if you plan to travel throughout Western Europe. Additionally, learning a language strengthens concentration and memory, sharpens focus, enhances decision-making, and makes you more aware of other cultures and people.

In the press

Ready to learn Dutch?

Microsoft TakeLessons offers a wide array of learning resources, from 1:1 private instruction, to live group lessons, to courses specially designed for any type of student. We have grown to a global community of over 20,000 students, and we’re excited for you to join us!
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