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Health Coaching with Vince K.

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Enseña Beginner
Age: 5+
Enseñando desde 2023

    Re-ignite Your Inner Life Force through Holistic Energy Health Coaching

    - I believe you are capable of living the life you want, in the way you want, and that you deserve to feel great while doing it. - I will help you achieve the version of you that lights you up from the inside out, creating joy and inner peace in your life. - I will educate you on holistic health practices and modalities that create massive change through directed actions and accountability. You can take these practices and use them for life. - I embrace simple and proven methods to help you restore the incredible life force energy that is your birthright. - I came from a corporate background originally and experienced profound burnout, which led me on this path of joy and health. So, I have a unique vantage point that can help all people but especially those who are overworked, tired, or exhausted from the corporate/work grind. - Everything I offer will be suitable for people of all ages. - Nothing requires any external technology or tools except a willingness to return to your best possible self and a willingness to commit yourself to taking action.

    Detalles del instructor

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    Teaching Hours

    8 AM-2:30 PM
    8 AM-2:30 PM
    8 AM-2:30 PM
    8 AM-2:30 PM
    8 AM-2:30 PM
    Horarios en la hora local de (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
    60 minutos
    49 US$

    Acerca de Vince K.

    Board Certified Holistic Health Coach (Certified through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners) Recovered corporate "warrior" who experienced profound burnout from the corporate grind, and in turn, dedicated my life to restoring my own joy and excitement for life. Through this commitment, I began studying alternative and holistic health modalities back in 2018 because I set out on a mission to heal myself from this burnout and dimming of my own light and joy. In 2020 I decided to commit to formally studying this so I could share it with other people who are tired of feeling exhausted, burnt out, or like there is room for more joy in their lives. My approach starts with the core belief that every single human being is capable of living in a way that feels joyful and healthful. This belief is core to my work, and I will help you to establish this belief for your own life as a basis for our work together. Then, based on your lifestyle and personal goals, we will create a plan of action to help you restore your sacred life force to ultimately return you to a joyful, fulfilled and healthy state of being. You are worthy and capable of achieving anything you want. This is a fact (not my opinion!).
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